That imagine on the bottom page.... is killing me!
It's to funny!

I was hoping a new chapter but well... i read anywey the last 2...
and... Yep still the same! Still drive me crazy of how selfish are all of those boys and that f***head dad, but what is even more anoying is that s**t Kima that have the nerve to be anoyed when he dosen't want to be a slave anymore! Just.... HOW DERE HE?!!?!?
I'm a little "harsh" but damn!
Hope i didn't offend anybody

I just finished the novel, i didn't expect to turn out soooooo good, it had some secnes hard to reed and sometimes you just want to kill the Emperror :)) ┗( T﹏T )┛ ( but stil a great story)
I don't think that most of the people can reed it, becousee of the sadistic side.
Enyhow to be short, it make's you cry, laugh, break your heart, and fill your heart. Painful sweet. Can't weit to also reed the full manga.

I was looking for another story from this author, but i could fiind any. The art is very beautiful and the story line is sexy, sweet and funny.
Does anyone know if maybe this mangaka has any other stories? Thanks

I'm not sure if this will help or not though.
I'm not quite sure about the ring. Did Kagami told his brother to cancel giving Shingo the ring but the brother give him anyway? What was the canceled favor? I don't get it, he treat Shingo so bad and cold at the apartament and then he gives him a ring? Don't understand this part.
the favor was to make this ring..and then he asked to cancel the order cause they broke up..but the ring was already made that's why the brother gave it to shingo..as why he asked the brother to make the ring is because the brother owns a huge jewlery company..
Got it. Thank you so much