Idk if some of yall reading the same story cause the uke legit wanted the seme to ask him to quit which is what caused the semi argument in the 1st place. Now I'm not sure if the uke actually wants to quit or he just wanted the seme to ask but I'm assuming it's the former cause ain't no way you got so mad that he didn't if you didn't intend to in the 1st place when he asked. It's a different thing when the sex worker partner actually wanted to quit for their lover and not simply because their partner asked they suddenly wanted to quit.
I'm sorry this is getting out of hand now, what happened to only reading things you liked?
Right now in the comment section of every toxic manga/manhwa/manhua(that I read) people keep complaining about the respective male leads.
I read both red and green flag characters and I enjoy them both for different reasons but some people go out of their way to read something that the summary clearly suggests is going to have a toxic love interest to complain about everything and I'm not talking about the ones that didn't get a redemption arc yet.
The ml is trying to better their ways yet there's always that person(s) who comes in the comment section going off about how the mc should leave them and not forgive them(this excludes those who just want the ml to beg more) with some even going to the extreme saying the mc is better of dead than with the ml.
Like be frl frl if you wanna read something like that go read a tradegy tag or if you wanna not see a toxic love interest read the summary of a story before reading it, it gives a obvious indication if whether you'll have a red of green flag characters.
It just gets on my nerves when I'm here enjoying a story and heading to the comment section only to see people criticising the ml for something he did 20 chapters ago and not what's happening that newly released chapter.
I just had to rant a little because this was getting out of hand, most people probably aren't even going to see this.(⌒▽⌒)
Nah, I agree with you wholeheartedly. As with all mediums of art, there will always be different genres that cater to different people. Yaoi in general has toxic themes that are popular with readers and it adds spice to the plot ngl. People be complaining sooo much when all they have to do to is drop it, like I didn’t enjoy Jinx anymore so I dropped it but I didn’t go on an entire tirade about how I hate a fictional character LMFAO. What they say won’t change the author’s mind so what even is the point? (´・Д・)」A story’s a story, if ya don’t like it then go read some fluff lol
I get that, that’s why I personally like to avoid manwhas where it’s pretty obvious the ML is trash (altho a good story could still pull me in) however I do sometimes make comments if 1) a manhwa started out innocent enough and then like midway the ML abuses the mc and does some horrific thing (and then it’s just moved on like nothing). It’s disappointing and feels out of character many times or 2) ppl are blaming the mc for smth while ignoring what the ML did, and 3) seeing a sob story for the ML and a lot of ppl in the comments that that justifies/excuses his actions. Comment sections are for discussion and sharing of opinions :) I’ve learned to just filter out what ppl say if I’m just tryna enjoy smth and not use my brain.
I get it the ml is terrible and a red flag and his redemption arc wasn't even included in the manhwa(it's in the novel). But we have been reading the same thing and the uke, the important person who's opinion has the most weight, has liked the ml from day 1 red flag and all. Yes it might be wrong and a lot of persons prefer the 2nd but again the mc, the important person, has never liked him romantically and instead liked the ml despite the abuse and everytihng. Heck even after ge left he still liked the ml so please catch up to the fact that the prince was end game all along (⌒▽⌒)