Spoilers ahead
Enzo gets forgiven by the saintess just like that? She didn't even seem upset after knowing that he was going to doom the world she died to save.
The royal family running away was making sense, but ultimately what doesn't make sense is that the Leon family would become the royal family because they had separated themselves from the empire and didn't serve any aid to defend their ex allies from the monster attack (if anything it would be considered treason or hostility).
Not to mention that the knight that took charge of everything after the emperor fled didn't become the ruler just for the sake of the plot, she deserved it more and was the only one to stand up to defend everyone and save them from the attack.
I'm tired, I thought this story would at least and decently but it's just a deus ex machina compilation I hate it here
I have a feeling that the "me too" is probably not about Yuu, I can't say for sure but it looks like he's gonna say he's serious about loving someone too (his ex) so he relates to Tsubaki (๑•ㅂ•)
This is the first time I've actually seen an interesting extra history, I thought it'd be boring but the plot is so entangled with past events that it makes sense
They entered the shota bakery with their own two feet and now complain that there's shota in their plate, like bffr
Será que hay un grupo en español que esté traduciendo esto? He buscado pero la verdad soy medio manca y no encuentro nada
I hope my my whole heart his next work gets completely ignored because everyone knows how awful he is at finishing plot points, this was so unsatisfying that it felt like a drag reading the last chapter...orz
As far as the story has made us believe, Ignat is the last dragon around those mountains so the only dragon who could've burned the village is him,,, am I just being pessimistic?? I'm concerned for the angst to come ╥﹏╥
I'm trying to focus on the story but I can't stop looking at the moomin in the kid's playground AAAAAAA
Even the shadowy entity was more interesting as Rachel than the MC, now we go back to plain female lead
The ppl new to Harada-sensei are not ready for the real fucked up stuff to come, this is the most tame manga I've ever read of her and it's funny how ppl are proving her right by reacting so aggressively to even this tame work of her.
The whole theme of finding joy in the exploration of weird stuff that was navigated in the first volume flew over everyone's head, it's really sad to see how Harada feels limited by this new internet culture of shame in this oversensitive era ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ.
I can't keep rushing every time a 5 page long chapter drops this is ridiculous