I'm so glad western fans stay out of authors official pages, they act like they häve a say in how the author writes the story, if something makes you uncomfortable that's fine but don't take it out on the author and demand changes like it's your own story, like it or not you're a guest and you're not close to the author so treat them with decency

It’s called criticism. Any type of artist should be used to it and accepting of it. If they can’t handle it, then they shouldn’t be in this career path. Also, why do you assume non-western fans don’t have issues with this? Trying to demonize western fans cause we have issues with unnecessary rape in stories is ridiculous.

Because it's always the western fans that go out of their way to harass authors and act like they can just demand changes in someone else's work, criticism is not bad but harassing creators is totally different saying they should just accept it is really entitled when the criticism is "I don't like it", there are many great works with lots of consent and I'm a sucker for that, this just isn't one of them
This man is so broken please someone pass him a choccy milk