Spoilers ahead
Enzo gets forgiven by the saintess just like that? She didn't even seem upset after knowing that he was going to doom the world she died to save.
The royal family running away was making sense, but ultimately what doesn't make sense is that the Leon family would become the royal family because they had separated themselves from the empire and didn't serve any aid to defend their ex allies from the monster attack (if anything it would be considered treason or hostility).
Not to mention that the knight that took charge of everything after the emperor fled didn't become the ruler just for the sake of the plot, she deserved it more and was the only one to stand up to defend everyone and save them from the attack.
I'm tired, I thought this story would at least and decently but it's just a deus ex machina compilation I hate it here

They entered the shota bakery with their own two feet and now complain that there's shota in their plate, like bffr

Oh thanks I know the only thing you guys can say against us which is also an ASSUMPTION is this because clearly you guys have NOTHING but still won’t accept you’re in the wrong
I could not care less if you assume we read this tho I’m pretty sure we don’t
We’re still better than y’all because at least we admit this shit is ass

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1DOhIOb-tI5NTJCtoUnpsQ8ntZvgqR5FW/htmlview# (press the censorship, fiction section, it's at the top)
https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapy-types/prolonged-exposure-therapy https://medium.com/howl-by-yael-wolfe/is-there-a-double-standard-when-it-comes-to-sexual-fantasies-b4c7798697aa

the fourth from the top has proven to be a document which is not even a study, although what in that document is, is partially correct, what is does is said to completely redeem and rid of the people who are into pedophilic produces.
Also the rest of them are rape. And all of these articles are not official articles by high end studies. Show me an official article from someone who’s been at least studying this.
So, my point? And yes, this is still about morality and also ANOTHER point is that they are Twitter users writing this and are not even taking morality up as a topic… these cannot even be an actual document of study?? Can it??? Moreover it seems they could be talking about an even more kid friendly lolicon stuff btw. Anyways these articles were of NO HELP. I actually feel sorry for you that you found these for no use

rape fantasies literally tie directly to lolisho as heir both taboo
Pedophilia cannot be diagnosed using lolisho as the only reason. Pedophilia needs a real child involved inappropriately with an adult for it to actually be pedophilia, otherwise it's just a fantasy
Their psychologists. With a degree in psychology. I think they should know about these topics
Only one document was written by a TWT user and they provided names of multiple professionals as to why fiction does not affect reality on a one to one basis
Lolicon is mostly about attraction they're definitely talking about sexual and physical attraction
Many of these links provide info about paraphilias, the reason behind taboo interests, and research conducted to test theories

I really don't understand how you can turn a blind eye to 'minors' (characters) being traumatized, abused, killed but the second sexual topics come up it's wrong
The reason why you see all the mentioned above as okay is because it's a
fictional character.
An object, a doll, a design
They do not have personhood, agency, boundaries or feelings
they're not real and have no capability to feel emotions
They cannot be disrespected
They exist solely to entertain real people in various ways, without harming anyone in the process
They are not people, stop treating them like victims and go help an actual survivor
Engaging in anything with violence does not mean you endorse it IRL. Since I can differentiate fiction and reality, I don't have thoughts about harming/exploiting real people who can experience trauma and go through horrific events
Of course there's going to be pedophile lolicons, but contrary to popular belief, 'proshippers' do not find that acceptable because it goes against the whole idea of fiction stays in fiction
This wasn't much of a problem until around 2020, when we were all isolated. These spaces are not for you, since the fandom culture here is mainly the mindset: 'Don't like, don't read' just like with many other sites and social media platforms
I'm sorry for ranting but I just find it so jarring that me and other CSA victims are being called predators all because of a fantasy (often used to cope) that is usually engaged in a safe, healthy environment
To add on, if you're having thoughts about children in sexual situations all because of a piece of media then I recommend looking into a professional, because sane people do not blur those lines

You’re entire paragraph were filled with links about “taboo interests” and somehow they end up all justifying humiliating things.
Yes people can have a rape kink and yes they can have a choking kink. That they justify. But that is not the same case here. Just because you like rape doesn’t mean you will justify and condone the behaviour of a rapist. Doesn’t mean you will accept and like a rapist character from a book you’re reading and justify him.
This is exactly what these people have been doing. It is WRONG to portray children like this. It’s the same theory as how women are affected due to the porn industry, especially when women dress younger and end up making “step bro step dad” videos.
If they really are great “psychologists” then why am I not getting their names? I’ve received only four names, that also it is a completely different topic, and in the end she asks for you guys to seek help too. (I think it’s a she?)
These are not trusted sites for I’ve already been thru most of these and as much as I want to say they are wrong, only two or more facts are almost correct, that is, it is okay to have a kink but it is to keep it to yourself. Nor should you go ahead and justify if that kink is used wrongly. That’s why “role plays” exist. This outrightly show it.
Instead of asking me to get help because “you can separate fiction from reality” I think you should get your average iq checked. It’s actually very idiotic and selfish to see only about yourself as this is attracting viewers of all kinds. YES, it affects children irl. This is the base, foundation where it starts. And don’t even get me started on “police are tired of finding cartoon cp as there are real kids who need help and are getting distracted from it” when most or maximum have done nothing or rather have been bribed and helped child trafficking cases while very few have actually come and helped kids. So many cases, if you’ve actually gone through any, had started with subtle indications as such and ended in drastic decisions so when police say these they could have stopped a monster by then.
I don’t actually think you understand but these links have NO POINT in this conversation at all because what you are trying to justify are minor “kinks” which is only for the sole of oneself and that also these studies are still very controversial and I do not believe are from trusted sources.

I also cannot understand why you bring up about abuse, that is completely different. That is also my point. It can be shown in abuse because WE WILL GET TO KNOW IT IS WRONG THAT WAY. We are made to know it’s wrong and that the action that is done is a wrong action.
That is my point, the situation is wrong.
If it were abuse and if it were psychological I would be reading this.
Since it is ROMANCE I will be blocking this.

“Don’t like, don’t read” mindset is that of somebody of no open mindedness. I mean, it’s not that I can actually ask for an open mind from people like you, but actually saying this doesn’t it disgust you?
Educated people seek to learn more than be closeted to only their comfort zones.
It’s humiliating how you just go “don’t like don’t read”
Sorry I will insult people who need to be insulted.

Do you actually get what I’m saying? Lack of open mindedness because you don’t seem to understand the harm.
I criticise this NOT JUST because it feels uncomfortable. And in this case, you’re uncomfortable because we told you the truth.
I’m uncomfortable clearly with you people more than the story but I’m still indulging

Predators are more prone to disliking lolisho, rape
I've been reading about dark fiction since I was eight. Not once have I ever thought about harming a child. Fiction does not affect reality on a one to one basis as I've already said, if it did there would be tens times more of crimes
U said it urself; the system doesn't care about the safety of children. If many dont care, why would you want to redirect people who actually take it seriously attention from the direct problem?
The reason for that wasnt because of media. It was because they were clearly mentally ill, blaming creators of dark media does literally nothing but cause harm
Putting real, living people with dreams, hopes, and an ability to think on the same level as fictional characters drawn on files and papers is insanely dehumanizing but I don't think you're ready to hear that

U clearly misunderstood what they were talking about when it came to help
Theres a healthy and unhealthy way of consuming fiction. If ur actively looking at something morally wrong and its starting to affect ur life and how u treat others then yes that is definitely a problem
Most people in Japan are indifferent to lolisho. Same goes for many other countries because it should be common sense that an object should not be placed on a pedestal with real people. Thats the literal definition of objectification

There is no article or proof or study that shows predators do not like rape and lolisho. I already know it is false.
It’s not “first degree murder cases” that are the only crimes, but sa victims too. Most, I say loudly, MOST start from this. There have been several videos of them being caught too these days and no, more than half have been proved to not be staged. You can check it out.
I do not care about when you’ve been reading dark fiction and how you think that it doesn’t affect reality and then crimes would have doubled, many cases are not reported and are never found out.
What is more dehumanising is not admitting, when there are 20 comments at least which are horrible and inhumane and I don’t think they were trolling when they said those, and actually trying to justify reading LOLICON.
Just like how “porn doesn’t affect women!!”

Ive seen so many ppl openly agree with a predator bc they said 'lolicon is bad'
Yes theres cases unreported but itd still be doubled either way, known or unknown
There's also many people who wish rape upon dark fiction enjoyers. 'I hope ur dad rapes u since u like Incest so much', 'I hope chemo doesn't work <3', and I've personally been told that i deserved my SA, or that it should happen again
There's going to be bad people on eiyher side, dont go cherry picking

Since you don’t want me to go cherry picking then let us not bring up others then, but sorry; every action has its reaction. No one deserves to be raped under any circumstance, but the ones who typed weird stuff about kids out seems to clearly outnumber the ones who typed the rubbish about harm on somebody

The media I found out was literally just a sebaciel fanfic Again nobody portrays it as good, the vast majority agree its bad hence why its TABOO. I acknowledge that pedophilia is wrong, but in fiction there is no pedophilia (unless theres drawings referencing a real person of course, but that should be obvious )

Then shouldn’t you acknowledge that what this story is showing is glorifying abuse too? Since it shows how a child has his feelings partially reciprocated, not taught or shown any proper hesitance such as “no I cannot like you”
Do you know how many minors are here on this site and will actually not be able to distinguish wrong and right?
Irl too actually, since kids have access to these copies too I heard.

These spaces are not meant for children, if a child stumbles upon something that isnt meant for them I believe thats on the guardian not the creator
Idk where my other comment went but this is going nowhere
I will acknowledge theres somewhat of a reason to be concerned especially since someones always going to be affected (even if the media is portrayed as bad) , but thoughts dont reflect morals
Since I lost interest in trying to convince you (and vice versa) I sincerely wish you a good day as I will not debate on this any longer
She bagged two gentlemen just like that, teach me your ways!!