I'm glad they both had support system, love the uncle a lot, he's sooo nice <3 also I'm glad the family members atleast tried their best instead of just being stubborn about it. And our mc looks so cool now, he looks a lot happier too <3 i wish there were some more side stories about them now cause i miss them

Love the mc sm, he's just so sweet, smart and just overall such a sweetheart, Aresh is hella lucky fr and he's himself such a wholesome guy too, they're such good pairs, love them both sm. Also came to like our holy maiden, she did start off annoying but it's understandable since she's still so young, i kinda am hoping she gets to return home.
The plot is going great and I'm loving allll the characters smmm, such an amazing story fr <3

I just love every single chapter, it's such a good mixture of action and just their friendship stuff. I liove that the chapters, although taking place in different place and situation, still make sure that the character development is there.
Loving every single character haha, i do wanna see the mcs dad and the king interacting again soon and hopefully with gil and eleven too.
And although not bl, which I don't really mind because it's amazing as it is, i can't help but ship mc with jill/gil haha.

Honestly can't blame any of the characters, the mc, although is wrong for keeping up the relationship, still is understandable since he seems mad stressed from literally everything in life and no one around him who understands him except the girl, i just wish it'd end up with them parting ways and just wishing for each others well being.
Both the girls are young and their decisions mostly are based around their emotions, which at this point for them with everything happening around them seems valid. The mother herself seems to be going through stuff.
I just kinda wish the ending was a bit different, that they'd just part ways and end the relationship, since the girl seems to have made peace with the mcs daughter and her mom. I wish the dad would've just tried maybe other ways to cope cause he seems nice otherwise. It's such a tragic ending and doesn't quite feel like an end

It was a cool concept, the deaths did feel a bit far fetched but well, it wasn't too bad. i loved it overall. I love the ending too, it was done well.
Also happy for the girl and hopefully the mc just is there as an observer this time, i kinda was hoping the mc would help out those two detectives in gambling, that'd be funny.
All the characters and the story itself is pretty wholesome but their emotions feel soo empty, wish the characters were introduced properly, given more spotlight and just had more time.
The concept of cooking and memories with it, is pretty sweet but it feels empty when we know less to nothing about that character, and it feels like they're just constantly in the same exact state, it's kindof uncanny almost.