Purplebutterfly created a topic of Red String Quests

Aww poor baby. I want to give Kihoon a hug now. His fears seem to be very valid then. I wonder if this is some side effect from whatever happened in the past life? That warning from messing with fate from the red string ?

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Nerd Project

Aww this was so fricking adorable! Andrew is such a sweet baby, wanting to cuddle with Luke, stroking his hair, following him around like a cute little puppy, holding Luke’s top and resting his head on it with that little smile. Could they get anymore adorable?!

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Scammed and Rammed

I personally am not going to bother hunting down the author on that hell site to voice my dissatisfaction but I am going to show it by refusing to purchase any more chapters, rating the story as one star for the completely unnecessary sexual assault and character assassination and also eyeing any further work they might publish with a huge dose of suspicion. At the end of the day it’s their choice to write whatever they want to write but that doesn’t mean I have to consume it. RIP green flag Jaeyi.

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Love in Reprise

Fricking finally! It’s been 74 chapters and finally a pregnancy test! I mean for a story that was supposed to be about him getting pregnant it’s been a long time and a lot of sex without even a consideration of a possible accidental pregnancy. SMH! Otherwise they’re both still idiots and Chae woo is still confused about his feelings. Sigh

Purplebutterfly created a topic of 1 to 10

Learning his backstory was pretty interesting. I can see that being given what he ‘likes’ continuously until he gets bored of it could lead to difficulties in forming a true connection with someone. You always have the fear it will inevitably lead to the same outcome so why bother? But obviously this time it’s different but he didn’t realise that until mc broke up with him.

Purplebutterfly followed a goer
Purplebutterfly created a topic of Reunion

Yoonsung’s tear after talking to Hakyung on the phone. He had no memories of him but his heart still knew!

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Scammed and Rammed

I’m seriously upset. I just saw the update and the advisory at the top and I couldn’t even read it properly. Why did the author have to go down that route! I’m actually nearly crying I’m so upset. Was it really that hard to have one guy who does not SA the other character? Just once! Just ruined an extremely good series and I’m so disappointed right now!

If you wanted to destroy the agency why didn’t you just tell Jaegyum that earlier? When he made it clear he absolutely despised the exorcists, that might have been a good place to mention you did too. Aside from that, I’m really enjoying this story. It seems like Taehee didn’t join the exorcists willingly. I want to know more!

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Waterside Night

Reading that second chapter was really rough. I keep hearing this story is really good so I wanted to give it a try. I really hope the rest of it makes up for that horrible SA.

Once again: Muheun DID NOT pursue Seungjoo or was even REMOTELY romantically interested in him growing up!
He was protective of him because he sensed their fates were entwined and because Seungjoo’s siblings died and he felt responsibility for it! When he sensed Seungjoo had feelings for him he distanced himself from Seungjoo!
Idk why people are still reading if they hate the age gap so much.

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Jinx

The bar was so low you could step over it, and you still fucking failed!
The correct response would have been to say, ‘no, Dan, I don’t want to have sex with you. You’re unwell and need to get better first.’
This isn’t enjoyable when Dan is suffering all the time. The poor guy is dead inside. I really hate to see it.

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Nerd Project

That last panel. Luke is the thing that makes Andrew smile!

Purplebutterfly created a topic of The Dirtiest High

Aww those extra bits are adorable! Seeing them 15 years later makes my heart really happy. This was a gem and I’m going to miss them so much.

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Red String Quests

I just caught up. This is so cute! Funny and sweet. Also seems like there’s a bit of past life/reincarnation involved judging from this latest chapter. I knew Kihoon liked him back. Silly boys! Make up sex next chapter please!

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Rivalry

*Insert spider-man gif here* Two idiots pointing at each other. You cheated. No, you cheated! SMH

Purplebutterfly created a topic of Love in Reprise

Oh ffs! Stupid idiots need their heads banged together!