Foteiiiniii followed a list

"If opposites attract, then the correct strategy is to be a loser"

A list for opposite pairing tropes

001 - 028 :: delinquent x honor student/nerd
029 - 071 :: outgoing x serious
072 - 101 :: popular x unpopular
102 - 118 :: rich x poor
119 - 134 :: scary/tough x cute

For personalities that are opposite to their appearance, here’s my Gap Moe list:

13 07,2024
Foteiiiniii followed a list
Foteiiiniii followed a list

warning: the word cute is used an unhealthy amount during reviews

28 06,2024
Foteiiiniii add manga to list Want to read

From Lovesick Alley: Honda Yuuki is a student living alone for the first time after leaving the coun...

  • Author: Anashin
  • Genres: Japanese / Manga / Shoujo / Romance Japanese Manga Romance