T800 like the answer
the most american thing an american can do is be surprised there is no July 4th post when it is hardly likely that the average user on this website is american... it was canada day on july 1st and no one cared, why should it be any more likely that someone cared it was july 4th? americans thinking they're the centre of the world 2.0 but happy jul......
T800 created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

Why do all the bottoms in these bls always look fuckin shrink-wrapped like do they all got an ed or what

This shit sound kinda stupid on the low-key like why tf he wanna kill her he sound like a damn woman beater why we want this domestic abuser to end up with the female lead tf???

T800 created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

This story sucks major balls, the only good thing about it is the mancandy. I'm so tired of these stupid plot devices In these isekai stories, idk why the fuckin author had to reincarnate this bitch twice for a forced ass romance when they already had good chemistry in just that one convo in the cabin at the beginning, like they could've trauma bonded or SMTH, wtf does the male lead gotta talk about wit sum random parasocial woman that barged into his guarded castle, (which also don't make any damn sense) like idk bout chu but If I was a deeply emotionally distraught man I'd find the idea of a random manic pixie dream girl from the woods who also got depression and could fix me much more alluring then some borderline stalker that wanna marry me (mind y'all this man also still hung up on the other hoe, so any other bitch during this time is gonna be a rebound). This had sum potential but the ig Korean isekai authors just allergic to making good stories.

T800 like the answer
my prime taste in men during elementary school
T800 created a topic of Double Trap

Girl I thought the title said double tap

T800 created a topic of Prison Love

It would've been so funny if she told him to turn back into a woman.

T800 created a topic of Prostate Capture Report


T800 asked a question

Anyone got straight romance recs where the love development marinates for a long time. And kinda angst.

T800 followed a goer

Chuuya is my love. Goodbye.

26 days