Y'know i watched the anime and it wasnt that good. Is the manga better?

Yes, the manga (while sometimes a bit hard to understand and at the beginning pretty full of plot holes) goes more in depth about the characters and the things they experience/have experienced. Not to mention it goes much further than the original anime. I personally love it, but to each their own. Give it a try and if you don't like, at least you tried, right?

I remember dropping this a long time ago after reading 50 or 60+ chaps. Tell me does this get better?, is it good enough to pick up again?

I feel you, I dropped it since I felt it was boring. I read it again just to see how far it’s gotten & wow! Almost 200 chapters… of crap. It’s still pretty boring imo, it’s too stretched out but at the same time bittersweet in the fact that we’re still able to see their family life and all that—but the intentional drama now feels unnecessary

How good is this?

So amazing that I recommend waiting for more chapters, but I also think we’re decently through now that if you started it you’d also have the joy of waiting painfully every week in suspense, with out being tortured for a year.
It’s not an overly complicated one but the characters don’t feel really weak and 2D and there is plenty going on to keep you interested. I really like the main characters, both are strong, they haven’t made the female one week to make the man look strong (tho he is more experienced so he is ‘better’ but you can see how they are a good match)
I want more recs like thissss