Hey so I thought it might be fun to chat with some people, but I don't have line or anything like that. But I do have an Instagram. I wanna start a dm group where we can talk about whatever. I'm a fifteen-year-old American girl if you wanna know, but I really don't mind who joins. Leave your username below add I'll create a chat. :)
(My username is lorlanella, btw. its a public account separate from my personal.)

So like I've been trying really hard to maintain a sunny disposition, but lately, I've completely broken down. Like I keep on giving and giving and caring for other people and I get nothing. And I hate myself for expecting something in return, but I can't help it, ya know? Aren't any type of relationships supposed to give and take, not just give give give? It's like the people around me are leeches. And I've been trying to be positive and optimistic, but it's very hard when everyone around you screams the world is horrible and that I won't amount to much and I should just accept that. I want to hold onto my big dreams, but like they're feeling farther and farther away. I dunno . . . I was doing so well, but now all of the sudden my heart feels heavy as fuck again. You guys know of any way to un-relapse? Or just a way to try and bring my hopes back up again? ┗( T﹏T )┛

we might be different because i dont really like being with people. i have friends and stuff but i think they know i dont really like people haha. it might help if you try to distance yourself from them a bit. i was experiencing depressive symptoms a week ago, and i was scared of a recurrence so before that happened i made sure to tell everyone (i have a lot of work for my organisation and other stuff too) that i had to leave for a bit, and they were pretty understanding.

Shit.. i know how you feel, just.. ignore what people say because if you let what people say to you get to you then your just gonna start overthinking things, and then regret things, and started hating yourself or watever.. Try to think positive.. maybe go outside to a cafe or something maybe a park? Just try to relax you know. Idk if this even gonna help you or not XD but just think positive.. idk..

Thanks! I guess moping in my bed and not leaving the house isn't very helpful, so I'll try to get outside. And I'll try my hardest not to overthink things more than I already have. I'm just trying to tell myself that there's no way to tell what the future holds and to just keep pushing forward! Your advice was lots of help. They say if you force yourself to smile, you'll start to feel better, so that's what I'm trying to do.!

Okay, so I've been a closeted otaku for a while now, and I'm surrounded mostly by people who have zero interest in anime or manga or anything of the sort. The internet is a great place to express my love for these things, but it would nice to talk to someone face to face. The thing is I feel the need to keep up this sort of normal image at school and in my everyday life. I have a good relationship with my peers and get along with everyone. I'm afraid that if I express myself more, people will think less of me or make fun of me like they do to other people. (God I with I had the balls to wear an attack on titan costume to school) I wanna know how I can feel less ashamed of the things I like! (Shout out to my dad who watched Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away with me and the one friend that likes K-Pop and Call Me By Your Name<< very very good movie/book about a Jewish Italian boy's summer fling with a hot american professor. That's the closest I've got to an otaku/fujoshi friends.) ╥﹏╥
So a few of my friends I've discovered are secretly into anime (long story, but it involves dance central). We started a group chat to get to together and watch them. We've been arguing over what we should watch so I need an anime suggestion for the first anime we watch together.
Some further info on my group:
There are four girls including me and three guys.
We've all watched the more well-known anime like attack on titan, fullmetal, and death note.
The guys like ecchi but the girls don't. (
All of us like memes and stupid ass shit like that. So probably a comedy would be best
I have no clue their stance on sub and dub
I've probably seen all of the anime out there so, I'm fine with rewatching.
they have short attention spans, so a short series please.
The Daily Lives Of High School Boys
It's a comedy, with funny stuff happiening. Theres no ecchi involved, prob just a little pervs reverences or whatever :D
asobi asobase.
Thank you! I'll definitely bring this one up. I haven't seen it either, so that's a plus.
Thank youu. I have seen this one a long time ago. I'm sure it'll give us a few laughs, so I'll suggest it! And pervy jokes aren't uncommon in our group, so that sound be fine.
Then definitely try Osomatsu-San. The second season is just filled with dirty jokes
If you like this one so much, then I reccommend the Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Watch it dubbed, since its impossible to follow with subtitles