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Need to put my phone down and phase around the room bc of how good it is(5) 2024-10-30 0
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Mawdaneighborlylurker's topics ( All 4 )

Mawdaneighborlylurker December 21, 2024 6:27 am

Oh dear god i wasnt expecting my head to be turned around bamboozeled and played with during my time reading this! I was expecting like an equally yandere rs what i didnt expect are the traumas, conplicated plot, and the dark themes. NO ONE WARNED ME MY HEAD WOULD GO WEEWEOOWOEOWW THE WHOLE TIME

10/10 Such a good read highly recommend! ^^

Mawdaneighborlylurker December 14, 2024 3:09 am

I have to say Sangmins ending is so bittersweet to me, he deserved the punishment that came to him-or maybe her deserved more since he was playing with peoples lives but i cant help but think that Sangmin couldve had amuch better life if his friends were to reach out to him when his mom first died and he changed completely. It just seemed like noone gave him a helping hand and he was treated so cruelly by his so-called dad for so long.Would he have not walk the path he did if jihyun or his other close friends from highschool noticed him spiraling down? Before Jihyun went back in time, did he also walk the path of no return or did he turn out as an acconplished doctor because he wasnt suffering an intense inferiority complex, was he always first prior to the regression and life wasnt as cruel to him? I honestly feel bad for him. What he did was unforgivable on so many levels but the whys makes you think that he may not be a total villain like his dad but a broken person twisted by life on do many levels.
I really loved jihyuns ans sangmins friendship and i was heartbroken to see it devolve into this. So yes bittersweet ending. Im not too thrileld but im also not sad or dissatisfied.

On another notes this story was very well written 5/5 for me! All the characters was given life and attebtion and not simply as side characters or villains, they all had their flaws and motivation and we see within the story how they grow as a person. This story was written with so much depth and i really love it.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Mawdaneighborlylurker's questions ( All 1 )

Mawdaneighborlylurker January 30, 2025 5:18 pm

Is it just me or my reading history on some manhwas disappear? My most recent experience with this is the dungeon reset manhwa and when i clicked to see updates it wasnt showing where i last left off and ik i read upto thr 200s bc i have a bookmarked chapted on 180 :((

    PmChivas January 30, 2025 5:29 pm

    It does that for all series here. It shows the last chapter you read for an undetermined amount of time, before it resets it back to nothing until you start reading that series again.

    For instance, if you're reading a series and it shows the last chapter read at 180, but the next updates takes two weeks the 180 will have been reset back to nothing. This is where the bookmarks come in handy, especially if you struggle to remember where you left off reading.

    Mawdaneighborlylurker February 5, 2025 4:41 pm
    It does that for all series here. It shows the last chapter you read for an undetermined amount of time, before it resets it back to nothing until you start reading that series again.For instance, if you're rea... PmChivas

    Oh! So thats how ut is i thought my phone was glitchingor smth TT ive been ysing the booark tool for my fav scenes ngl

    PmChivas February 5, 2025 6:58 pm
    Oh! So thats how ut is i thought my phone was glitchingor smth TT ive been ysing the booark tool for my fav scenes ngl Mawdaneighborlylurker

    No worries. Initially, I also thought the webmasters added an automatic bookmark tool, because like you, I was using mine for my favorite scenes or if was time to sleep to save and see if I wanted to add that new story to my reading list. The temporary bookmark is still good if the story you're following updates fast.

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Why is the sister so... (rant) 09-05 17:05

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