dont get me wrong I love my unique bl plots sm <33 BUT !! sometimes I just miss reading a good ol fashion college roommate romance without all the extra crazy shit. like,, nowadays you'll be reading a college/workplace BL and you think its gonna be all chill but then BOOM the bottom is reincarnated as a blood sucking incubus with horns and the top is an enchanted mermaid king in the land of ashwaganda kingdom set in the year 40 BC.
ill still eat it up ofc, but i miss when romance stories were run of the mill

Boarding House Number 5
Can't Think Straight
Nerd Project
Robber x lover

recommend me a bl manhwa that has the angst but the top isn't toxic (or like if its gonna be toxic have it be both characters)

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/exotic_love/ (both are toxic)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/define_the_relationship/ (kinda - neither is toxic)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/a_trace_of_the_wonder/ (both are kinda toxic)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/enthusiasm/ (toxic relationship in the beginning but ends so bittersweet </3 i love them both)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/eyes_clouded_by_the_tiger/ (neither is toxic)

Recommend me some bl manhwa's with the Seme/top as the MC

I've read it without checking out comments or topics first, so I was surprised.

its a bl manga (Japanese manga not manhwa) and ALL I REMEMBER is the cover. its a man sitting in a library?? big emphasis on library. its super nostalgia vibes, not sure if this character died or not but he also wrote love letters to the MC (or the mc wrote it to him)
its very romantic. the cover was him in a library in front of a window and there was plants and foliage. HELP ME

recommend me some BL where the top is a pretty boy/smaller and shorter and gives off sub vibes and the top is taller, more masculine and “tougher”

Tops that are prettier (but maybe not smaller)

can manhwa authors stop taking plot advice from 1980's bl manga and drop the rape/SA trope .... when the "bottom" actually enjoys or, god forbid, INITIATES a sexual encounter, it's miles more attractive than them being raped..... its 2024 & they still be doing this outdated ass shit

COULDN'T AGREE MORE but I'm guessing that for bad writers it makes for an easy plot point since they don't have to naturally develop the relationship they can just make the bottom like being SAd and either somehow develop feelings from there or somehow get addicted to sex (?) instead of calling the police

LMFAO frll, just an easy plot device for terrible writers... I think though if the bottom "likes" being SA'd then it would be consensual therefor no prob...
no ya I literally hateeeeee when manhwa's (Jinx) overdo the whole bit of "yeah, im the top, now you're indebted to me,, pay me in SEX!!!!" and now we have to go through 40 goddamn chapters of the same bullshit with the top showing up at the most random bumfuck times and putting the bottom through gross violent triggering rape known to man.
& somehow, someway, out of the blue the bottom is supposed to have this epiphany that he's in love with the top ((bc the top is always seven fucking feet tall and happens to be attractive)).... it's actually rlly fucked up at how these authors dont stop and think that THIS ISNT ROMANCE........

You are so real...i am not an old bl reader but after being chronically online on this site for 5 years and reading shit of all era as much as i could...finding good shit is hard in all eras its the same shit over and over and over again only with different art styles...i think it has gotten a tiny bit better but...yeah rape to love is still a thing...and them calling it romance is just...feels like an insult to the romance gen...imo
+ Its even worse when the plot other than the romance is actually good...Codename Anastasia being the biggest one for me rn...its such a shame.
+ okay this one is a far fetched argument but i wanna let it out. I think the readers are to blame for keeping this trope alive tbh.
It makes me angry that they ALWAYS end up together...like man atleast kill the guy and set the victim with someone who will actually care for him...instead the rapist is suddenly a good guy?? But nobody says anything??? I thought we as women were against rapists and abuse???? Were did that go?? The rape happened okay it happened but...after 20 chapters its "pure love" and "he regrets it" instead of "selfish manipulation and conditioning the victim into liking the abuse"??? What???? Hello common sense???? (Waterside night, and jinx comment section being the biggest examples, they are just porn, i wouldn't have cared but most treat it like a story so imma treat it like a story.)
Personally...i would have not mind that trope... if not for it being fucking EVERYWHERE.
Like okay...at this point "rapist to lover" or something should be its own tag. I do not mind rape tag. i wanna read about rape and abuse but i want it to be realistic or where police puts the ass in jail. Or he gets killed. ANYTHING but where the victim goes "i think he likes me coz the author said so".
(Hope that makes sense, i kept writing whatever came to mind lol )

U R SOO REAL THO. said it better than me tbh.
and ur completely right on the audience being the number 1 enablers. even more dangerous when the audience is impressionable 10-15 years olds thinking borderline rape and abuse qualifies as romance and love. absolutely not. and i’m the same as you, if the story happens to have rape, fine. if it’s apart of the plot, fine… but when it’s done literally every other chapter and does NOTHING to add to the plot at all, AND the bottom is exploited day and night bc of Big Daddy Seme with a dorito shaped chin,??? at this point, we’re romanticizing rape and nonconsent.
it’s even worse when the bottom does nothing like call the cops or tell authority because the top is always positioned at a higher social power AKA being a CEO, athlete, experienced CIA agent or some other bullshit … might as well make him the president at this point like goddamn.
thank god i’m not a SA or rapist victim and just getting into the BL community because if that were the case, about 95% of these manhwa’s would be off the table.
also not to mention how harmful it is to the gay community to be presented this way in a storytelling media. the fact that they had to fight against the “homos are all pervs” stereotypes for so long and now there’s a straight woman somewhere writing about rape as love in a BL story … (GL isn’t any better let’s be frl). like what a bastardization……
pls rec me some bl manhwa where the top low-key doesn't like the bottom in the beginning but then falls in love. doesn't have to be enemies I just mean like he's either not interested or is neutral (I already read Ipsae's Leaf in Haneum's Breeze)
Can't think straight
omg this story is fabulous + it’s hilarious LMAO