Arisa says:

They're very corny. Who in their right mind would vote for a phony? If you want to "oppress" others for having different views than yours, try X. We welcome you. Go, Trump

Arisa like the answer
Imma just pretend to know what’s goin on, here’s a smexy pic of my husband
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Arisa like the answer
Shit I thought it was gonna be a boy, that was my bad
Arisa says:

What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.

Arisa like the answer
Take a pregnancy test, dipshit
Arisa like the answer
You asking us like we fucked you
Arisa like the answer
what did they do? their answers always crack me up. can't take them seriously edit: oh yea I remember homosexualtyr calling them out for being a rapist apologist
Arisa like the answer
Sorry I’m employed. Can someone explain who this is and why everyone hates them so much?
Arisa says:

Those who read this: Don't party and play so hard after the Trump victory lmao

Enchantress says:

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cherryspring says:

ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ

Arisa like the answer
They can't make people watch their shitty live action movies so they do this to drum up at least a little buzz. Like absolutely no one would talk about Little Mermaid 2023 if it wasn't for the controversy. Disney is just a rotting corpse.
Arisa like the answer
The answer is money. They don't want much risk. Why do you think they keep making remakes, sequels, book adaptations, reboots and spinoffs and only rarely try to make something new? It's riskier and doesn't guarantee the same financial reward. Do you think people would rather watch frozen 3 or an entirely new film? Do you think people would rather ......
Arisa like the answer
Honestly, all these remakes Disney is making is just to make a bunch of merchandise from beloved movies (Frozen made more money from the merch than the movie). However I believe they’re doing something bigger which is retaining the IP of these old movies. What I mean by this is when Mickey Mouse was allowed to be used by the public without being ......
Arisa like the answer
no cus tf are you so stoopid posting elections/politics in here? get these dammed stuffs out from mgg. yall are annoying for posting it here besides we're here to have fun not talikng about politics if you care abt politics so much go discuss somewhere else where ppl actually are serious this place ain't it you guys just want attention gtfo here
Arisa like the answer
If you're not even American, why do you even give a fuck? Worry about your country and your problems and we'll do the same.
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Arisa recommend the answer
Grow up kids, I don't read BL doesn't mean I hate all gays. Go outside and get some (with consent).

He's showing growth lmao