The adopted brother was adopted into this noble household because the family couldn't conceive and they needed a strong son, especially for inheritance reasons. They were kind to the adopted son at first but turned abusive and neglectful once they actually born a son.
Looks like the relationship between the two brothers have always some sort of affinity to each other but it wasn't until the younger (the real noble son) kissed the older brother (the adopted son) one day as a means to comfort the older brother after a particularly bad night of whipping/physical abuse from the dad. This Jumpstart their sexual affair together.
As the younger brother grew older, he received a marriage offer from another noble house. Particularly, it was the younger brother because the family continues to only see the younger sson as their real heir since he actually has their noble blood. In chapter 1, we see that the older brother finds out for the first time of this marriage news from the younger brother and this is where the dad also discovers their affair. Parents are livid and probably tries to further abuse and separate the two.
The older brother at this point only sees his younger brother as the only good thing in his abusive and sad life. He's already incredible obsessed but with his lover being married into another household, he's now paranoid and frantic to keep him to himself. So probably in a fit of rage, the older brother murders the parents and tries to make it look like an accident so that the marriage can be called off and so that the parents won't separate them. The younger brother hates the older brother for this so what looks like kn the day of the parents funeral, he intentionally seduces and tries to have sex with another man. He probably also planned for the older brother to walk in on them as his goal is to have revenge. He figures since he's the one thing the older brother wants the most, his revenge is to take away himself as the older brother has taken everything, including his parents and freedom, away from him.
Yet, the younger brother still loves him, that's why he continues to sleep with him with consent. Ofc. This is a pattern and he's not finished with his revenge so whenever the younger brother gets a chance, he also continues to seduce other men (like the servent).
The marriage can't be held off any longer as there's a lot of pressure from the older noble family so the older brother goes through with the marriage using himself because he can't let his younger brother marry anyone else. He's obsessed and extremely paranoid.
Younger brother ofc then reveals his entire plan saying tht the moment you marry, I will run away and continue to run away forever. And that "XYZ should've happened instead of the original plan on killing my parents and trapping me here" the older brother ofc is enraged and extremely scared since he knows that the younger brother intends to follow through on this so he attempts to rape him to keep him chained to him. It looks like sex is the only thing the older brother knows of to show his love and keep them together.
And that's all within the first 4 chapter, folks.
2024-12-10 07:30 marked
I think I get it