I relate so much to Namwoo. Just having enough money without worrying about money would be nice. I sometimes say I want a Sugar Daddy like Si-eon but I would feel bad just like Namwoo so I can understand where he is coming from. I wouldn’t know how to rely on others without feeling indebted to them.
I don’t like his parents at all but I love his sister. She has every right to be upset so she’s awesome for worrying about him when no one else would while still having and going through her problems
Si-eon is kinda sus but not in a bad way... I feel he is too good to be true. I hope their relationship ends well cause I’m rooting for them both

What if Hwan also made a wish for Chinwoo to like him so now that it’s reciprocated, he thinks it’s because of his wish and he will continue to do all this “villainous” things because he thinks that without it Chinwoo won’t love him. He is so obsessed with Chinwoo that I’m starting to think he had inadvertently caused Chinwoo’s parents accident or Sonny and Mooney had accidentally caused it and Hwan made a wish for him to be with Chinwoo after what happened. Jin might be a monster Hwan unleashed but fell for Chinwoo and broke free from Hwan’s power.
Poor Chinwoo! I just want him to be happy so fuck everyone for lying to him and using him!

I do understand the hate for Param. This is what happens when you make the Seme so lovable/ perfect. You really can’t say anything bad about Hwi. Sure he was a jerk at first but you understood why (Hwi looking down on him because of his job) but you immediately know he has a good heart and even expresses himself that he wants to date to Param.
Param on the other hand came off as a jerk the first time we met him. Typical male uke who falls for someone that seems out of his reach. He was an idiot in love but also has a weak body for pleasure. But even then even though he was goofy and nice, you can tell that he was indecisive and just an idiot.
Han on the other hand was exactly what we thought he would be’ a player. But even in these chapters he is not being upfront about this.
So by this the scales of the main leads are tipping off unbalanced. Mr Han is not the only one who thinks with his dick so does Param. Hwi is the only one thinking with his heart and hopefully with his brain and moves on. Param doesn’t deserve Hwi. At least not now. He just trampled on Hwi’s heart knowing how he felt. In real life doing this makes you a jerk. Just because adults do this doesn’t mean they should.

This is the first time in my life reading something where I loathe the seme. It was hard getting through the chapters (currently on chapter 20) that I would skip most of the rapey scenes. I’m utterly angry reading hoping the seme dies or gets arrested. First time in my life I don’t want the MC to get with the seme. Now I have to finish it because I want to know how it ends and I’m disappointed that I have an idea how it will.

I agree with Gift of Gab. I don't hate the seme or anything. If anything I quite like the story and his background. I like messed up stuff, but I don't like pretending that messed up stuff isn't messed up. If the seme becomes better, I seriously hope he doesn't just get convenient 'character development'. He needs to be called out, punished, suffer and learn properly that he was shitty and can't just conveniently move on from it.

Can I please have raws or can someone spoil me please? This is giving me anxiety so bad!!! ╥﹏╥

Possible spoilers I think and I could be wrong so don’t quote me and if need be I’ll delete this ..... read at your own risk
I went down the rabbit hole and sherlocked my way through fragmentS of raws somehow and so from google translate I think this is the deal... the sister and Taiki are not really together. I think she has a crush on a teacher? (Could be wrong) but they are both in on it and basically won’t deny or confirm the rumors. Taiki likes Yukito and basically is all flirty with the sister cause he likes how Yukito gets all jealous when he does. Maybe he is taking advantage of the situation to get him to like him. There is another guy that comes into the picture that is interested in Yukito and Taiki gets mad jealous.... I could be wrong .... here is what I based translations on so don’t come at me https://twitter.com/blrelease/status/1311494377601069056?s=21

Hi. So if you go to the official page of the magazine LiQulle where the manga publishes, you can go to Vol 52 and Vol 54 and click on the pink icon it will take you to previews of the chapters (as well as other mangas). It’s not much but at least it gives you a little bit of what’s to come.
Here is the link https://over-lap.co.jp/Form/Product/ProductList.aspx?shop=0&cat=LQM
Please no one report me

Either yeon woos parents were psychos and killed and tortured ppl In that room with the help of supernatural sources / demonic forces and they have demonic like powers and they wanted yeon woos to do so too And taeyun also made a pack with and killed his parents.... or they were both kinda psychotic... taeyun repressed everything after being abandoned and yeon woon continued to kill... reminds me of Hannibal the tv series.... maybe I heard a lot of true crime stuff
Don’t hurt our babies!