Silky did

74 people did   /   22 want to do

Yeah it's not a big deal

Silky did

305 people did   /   12 want to do

だからいま 会いにゆく
ポケットの この曲を


oh Good-bye days いま
昨日までに so long
La la la la la w

Silky did

266 people did   /   11 want to do

Yeah. Only hot male characters on anime and comics can heal my reality-fiction gap that I have when I'm with my bf.

Silky did

263 people did   /   150 want to do

Went to some of the most desolated places with a few mgg friends that I've befriended to do humanitarian works. I did the normal stuff too.

Silky did

263 people did   /   150 want to do

Went to some of the most desolated places with a few mgg friends that I've befriended to do humanitarian works.

Silky did

2508 people did   /   2054 want to do

I reserve the right to keep the experience to myself. Sorry internet not today. It's personal

Silky did

1 people did   /   0 want to do

I play some musical instruments! I've shared them with friends including the new friends I've come to know on mgg! Exp, study, anime cover.

Silky did

1 people did   /   0 want to do

I play some musical instruments! I've shared them with friends including the new friends I've come to know on mgg! Exp, sudy, anime covers.

Silky did

1 people did   /   0 want to do

I play some musical instruments! I've shared them with friends including the new friends I've come to know on mgg! Exp, tudy, anime covers.

Silky did

429 people did   /   10 want to do

College, Covid19, summer internships. The medical staff can be overworked and undernourished. It's prevalent. Hold on for as long as you can

Silky followed thing

429 people did   /   10 want to do

18 days
Silky followed thing

429 people did   /   10 want to do

18 days
Silky did

229 people did   /   619 want to do

I did. Somehow I made some friends on mgg. They happen to be very funny. I'm not used to them being serious and deep when they want to be.

Silky did

487 people did   /   293 want to do

I speak 8 or 9 languages. I use full English when I'm at the campus. It's amusing to hear other bilingual or polyglots gossiping.

Silky did

354 people did   /   11 want to do

I dreamt about falling from a high cliff by jumping off willingly while and fearing for the safety of my family and friends. It was vivid.

Silky did

15 people did   /   2 want to do

If your parents are surgeons or in the medical field, or any close family members are frontline essential workers, know that I did pray.

Silky followed question about thank yaoi for existing

Personally, it was a tiktok about Painter of the night, ngl I saw a hot guy then went wtf is that from

19 days
Silky like the answer
The adults around us told us to keep believing that our little friend will come back to us and some of these came from our closest ones, like our parents, or friends' parents, or older relatives, heck, even strangers said that rose tinted words. He was found a few weeks after that, came back in a big plastic bag. I learnt a very important lesson as......