I’ve read this a bunch of times but I’ve just realized the Yukihisa issue wasn’t addressed properly. He literally just disappeared and the issue with him leeching off of sensei is quite a significant one so it’s somewhat unsettling that it was ignored. Unless there are missing chapters like many of the previous comments suggest

Sorry to be Debbie downer but after this lovely chapter my mind just went “dammit, now I have to suffer through reading the pink haired guy getting the hot daddy he doesn’t deserve” I’m usually an advocate for redemption stories but his demeanor will make it hard for me to swallow whatever redeeming quality the story will show me.

For some reason, I felt like Riku acting insecure was out of character from how he was in the initial chapters. Of course, I understand in the situation that he’s in, that could happen... to anyone. Anyone can get insecure but while I was reading it, I was expecting Riku to have a rebuttal on the things Iriya said. I mean even Keiki said in the earlier chaps that Riku had the confidence of an Alpha. So the way he’s acting now felt out of character for me.

I agree with you, still.. I think he is so lonely and defenseless that right now he can not rebuke to Iriya. I mean, he has Keiki with a stroooong personality and Riku saw his "persona" being totally shattered by all the events.
So, I think he has all the rights of being insicure and whiny.
Still, come on, boy, get a grip :'<

I appreciate the hard work in bringing this translation to us but I didn’t understand a thing. It felt like there was a missing scene in the beginning and the conversation didn’t make sense. The other chapters were uploaded a few days ago so saying that No one is updating this manhua doesn’t make sense too.
The story still doesn’t make sense to me BUT I’m still holding on for Park Kihoon and Haegyung (did I spell it correctly?) That’s the main plot for me since the actual story plot it still murky. I don’t like the misunderstanding about “that” night between them though. I don’t want them to develop a relationship and have it crumble because of that so I hope it gets clarified soon.