Does anyone know what type of haircut the boy has? I’ve been looking for styles but I don’t know the name or what to ask for
Looks like a unbuzzed hawk cut, but possible long length blend on one side? I would suggest looking a Korean hair styles, maybe key in hawk with it... Just remember to consider if you like to put work into(styling) daily cause hair gets styles by your stylist isn't it's normal morning done look(depending on your hair type)
As a gay man this plotline is kind of fucking awful. Being in the closet and forced to live in a straight relationship then cheat on your partner in order to not go insane shouldn’t be romanticized like this
I think I kinda understand your situation. It's the same for my college friend. He's gay too. He like saying 'I've been gay all my life. It's who I am. So I can't help it.' Lol
And was in an relationship with a good friend of his. It's been like that for the past 5 years. They met in high school and well. They just clicked lol but then out of the blue, he told us that he was gonna get engaged. And we all were super happy eventho we didn't get it. I mean same sex couples can't marry in Singapore lol But what we didn't know it wasn't with Liang Xin (his bf/we're Asian hahahha) and when we founded out it was one of his friends from tuition classes. My friend, Spencer's mother really liked her and wtf nobody even knew she liked him. Heck. We didn't even know there was such a person. That only meant Spencer didn't even bother to talk about someone he didn't care about lol. Okay. I know Spencer's handsome and all. But you should know well that he's gay and all. He said he told u. But why are you still marrying him??? Is it because it's not wrong for two men to be together? A blasphemy? What about his pitiful bf??? That guy is an Angel you know. He's an awesome joker...I swear when they got married 2 years ago, Spencer looks dead AF. And I dk where Liang Xin went he didn't turn up for the wedding and we all lost contact not long after. This little group of 5 went seperate ways after graduating college. Minus me and bestie who dropped out lol I've never wanted to cry so much. Well, we all actually cried in the dressing room. Spencer was all. 'I'm good. I'm good. XinXin isn't.' You both are hurting but you pretend you aren't. Hell I don't even know where Liang Xin went soon after. I dropped out of college due to stuffs back then. I wonder what would happened if Spencer told his parents his was gay...but then again, I think he'd be dead. They're Christians afterall...what you said reminded me of this. The End.
Umm is this like real event? Is spencer ok?
Oh yeah, if this was taken more seriously and not in a comedic intention, the initial plot is hella stressful and dramatic. Give the theme of ‘gay man forced to marry woman for the sake of family business’ to an author like Jung Seokchan and it would definitely be a lot deeper and taken more seriously. That’s the first author to come to mind, I’m sure others can do well too.
I was closeted as well and I think this gives a somewhat good representation of what it's like. Remember that it is just a manga and that he was threatened death if he didn't go through with the marriage. As a very gay man its only natural that he would go find someone despite being married.
It's an incident that happened in the past. Honestly I have no idea. We lost contact 5 years ago and I don't use sns so I have no idea...I hope no one has to go through what my friend did. This manga is somehow very well depicted but I doubt someone would be willing to do such IRL. I mean...I hope they'll fight for their rights. Like I am a gay man! I refuse to get married to a woman just to make my family happy and give them an can't just overturn a gayman into a straight person over a night and 'marriage'. That's the dumbest thing I've came across.
This kind of manga makes me thing about real life and it's interesting because it's somehow similar to rl events.