So a lot of manga have a character who is crazy about sex which I love and a seme who is all sweet and wants to love them, which I love even more. However, the sex crazy one usually has a hard time commitinh to a relationship and is traumatized and all that, I get it, but I also wish there were some scenarios where they are healthy and happy but STILL crazy about sex, you know? Like it doesn’t have to be one or the other Not gonna hate on manga that have that going for them tho, love those too Does anyone have recs otherwise?? Hehe
She has the same scar as me, I’ve had it since I was a child, from hot water, in that same exact spot. Really nice to have someone create a main character with that
I have a burn scar on my leg from boiling pho from when I was 3. Our scars make us beautiful
My friend has a big one on her arm, it makes her unique in my opinion.
You’re so right
So sweet