I really don't want them to be together at all.. I prefer ji hyun and chiwoo being togeda... He really loved him and regretted his actions.......

Girl, please... He continually force himself on him. BEAT HIM ! And I don't talk about his way to manipulate him... Would you really want to finish with this kind of Guy ? Someone who beat, force someone to do something continually, He is all the violent and unstable. Traumatized or not he was the worse.

Are you serious? Are you telling me that if this guy is violent, a potential rapist ans beat him up, it's Chiwoo's fault? Just because he was dating him lovelessly?
do you read what you write?
If this guy is toxic it's because he doesn't know how to act like a decent human, he's incapable of expressing his feelings through anger and taking fucking therapy. People more traumatized than that have more respect toward the other, both started their toxic relationship, BOTH.
Your message is on the same level as the raped girl who hears "well yeah you shouldn't have worn that skirt too short... You wouldn't have made him want to rape you". I don't defend your speech and I wish you were a troll.

Late reply but wdym he never did that? The author confirmed that it was sexual assault in the creators note. And Chiwoo even said that Jihyun was in his right mind when he raped him because he knew he heard him say stop. Jihyun didn't even deny that. He just kept saying he did it because he liked him so much.
I agree his ending is really sad but it's the consequences of his actions. Jihyun didn't even feel any remorse until Chiwoo finally put his foot down and said he didn't want to be around him anymore. Maybe now he regrets it but it's too little too late and even the author says some actions are just unforgivable.

I agree. He wasn’t perfect either. He strung him along and cuddled and did everything couples did.. and then acted like it was crazy he fell for him and loved him. He created that monster.. don’t get me wrong he was abused by his father, only knew violence.. but he allowed him to be that way for many years and let it go. He didn’t have boundaries at all. And did the same thing with the second boy. I thought all of them should have stayed single in the end lol tbh. The MC didn’t deserve the second ML

Jihyun did not regret anything. He said so himself, he only apologized just because he knew Chiwoo would forgive him and pretend nothing would happen. He only regretted them when he realized Chiwoo didn't want to continue forgiving him.
I also find it weird how Chiwoo deserved to be raped because he "strung" Jihyun along. Chiwoo needed to put out because he did "string" Jihyun along? You're disgusting for even thinking that. Jihyun said he liked Chiwoo, and Chiwoo clearly did not reciprocate those feelings back and Jihyun knew it.
This scared the shit out of me