kkxyy February 16, 2025 11:34 am


kkxyy December 12, 2024 10:33 pm

why does this say end and it's just repeated chapters?? glasses guy come backkkkk

    kkxyy December 12, 2024 10:38 pm

    um js saying i really hate this manhwa but i like the art style

    katrina December 12, 2024 11:28 pm

    I guarantee you that the glasses guy was the one to make the post

    kkxyy December 13, 2024 12:07 am
    I guarantee you that the glasses guy was the one to make the post katrina


    kkxyy December 13, 2024 12:08 am
    I guarantee you that the glasses guy was the one to make the post katrina

    oh my GODDD nevermind bruh all of these people are shit

    Jake’s Egg December 13, 2024 6:50 am
    I guarantee you that the glasses guy was the one to make the post katrina

    No literally after reading all the comments and making my comment I figured that out. This was generally the weirdest shit ever I couldn’t even finish the second chapter that’s how bad it was.

kkxyy November 9, 2024 2:25 am

i really didn't enjoy it

some scenes just weren't needed to the plot and the towards the end, it started to get reallllyy confusing

i js didn't understand how that metatron guy started to go against the earth and was killing everyone?? also the smut scenes where it included rape was absolutely not needed

i really hated the smut scenes sometiems because they were strangely out of place, and it seemed like author just wanted to put them in

the part where mc and ml did it in their concsciusness while the doctor and that other guy was fighting for their lives made me absolutely lose it, ESPECIALLY the rape scene in chapter 88 made me actually hate this so much

because there was actually no need for it!!! just why... and people are just.. brushing it off....... also in the extras the aus are really cool but i didn't like the parts where it was just smut scenes between characters who weren't in love cuz i js find it weird yk?? so weird

anyw i want those two angels to be together they were so cute... THE ONLY PEOPLE I WANTED TO GET TOGETHER BUT NOTHING HAPPENS...!!

    j’ai trois baguettes November 16, 2024 1:58 pm

    totally agreed the plot just completely fell off and became some sort of endless smut factory to accommodate the authors weird fantasies and so many details about the story were just completely forgotten??
    like what happened to his wife, he just completely forgot about her after she died and literally its never brought up again!!

kkxyy November 9, 2024 2:17 am

SO CUTE!! i liked the parts where ml kept calling pota a mutt they're so silly

aghhhh they're so cute

kkxyy November 9, 2024 2:16 am

the story was alright, and i really like the way they portrayed how mc viewed his 'plagiarism' to be a big deal when it's not really considered plagarism if it's not word for word. idk that's what i think personally, because i don't think it's possible to have it word for word if he's in an exam

the flashbacks were sometimes really sudden yk? and when we went back to the present, there wasn't anything indicating it was the present so i got really confused sometimes

i just feel like the implication on their relationship wasn't explained enough. like i wanted to see how they acted when they were together from time to time in high school and in their adult life as well. they have depth as an individual but not much depth into their relationship

still, i liked it. although i still find the second couple to be a bit iffy? i didn't understand what was going on when they appeared on the screen ngl bro.. what made the teacher to like him?? what made the student like about the teacher??? idk i was just really confused with their relationship..

kkxyy November 9, 2024 2:12 am

this was genuinely so cute omgggg...

i love them sm

kkxyy November 2, 2024 10:17 pm

i REALLLYY liked the premise that it originally had, that the mc could read minds as words cuz yk it's really interesting way of reading minds

but in the later chapters, it was just full on smut and i was actually losing it... AND TO MENTION.. there were two types of incest in here.. mc's brother FIRST OF ALL, attempted to assault mc and mc tried to give him the benefit of the doubt bcz he still sees him as his brother

like at LEAST mc was trying to draw lines between him and his brother. but im still thinking that the mc's uncle liking his father was NOT needed to be honest?? he could've just have been mc's mom's ex or smth cuz like???

im assuming mayb either the author wanted to include incest or just wanted to show two different types of people expressing love, bcz the brother thought obsession was love but still NOT NEEDED!!! even with an explanation, there shouldn't be any reason to defend incest

i still stuck around and finished it because what drew me in was how pretty mc was and i liked how good ml looked with his hair down

kkxyy October 31, 2024 9:19 am


i js binge read this cuz it was so cute bcz of mls and MC's cute dynamics together and it just cut off right there... not even explaining how gongchan would react to the shared psychosis and hallucinations..

i would love to see them again

kkxyy October 31, 2024 6:00 am

they're so cute omggg

ml and mc were both hot, i came in here wanting men in suits and i was fed and stuffed!!
i really like this author's art style, but i'm ngl i liked mc in longer hair js like his ex but we don't talk about his ex.. he was an ass

mc and ml ARE SO CUTEEE!! AGHHHHH i just can'ttt bro they're so sweet and the way ml ruffled mc's air gave me TINGLES ASHGLASJD

    anonymous_me February 5, 2025 3:59 am

    Agreeee. Him in short hair was sooo adorbs

kkxyy October 31, 2024 5:12 am

it was cute but so many misunderstandings bro i couldn't..

i found it boring in some parts but i can't understand how someone can be so dense when it comes to someone's words

'i want to go out with you' 'oh shiit are you recruiting me rn?' mc is on another level bruh

anyw i liked ml he was cute and sweet


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