xi is so hot, jian yi is so lucky to get to ride his dick in the future lol. (▰♡◡♡▰) mixing a cute kitten with sexy xi is too much for my eyes. mo clinging to xi lol, xi is hella strong, don't think he'll let anything happen to you. zhan xi may go on an angry rampage though if she li messes with his sweet boy jian yi, thats another thing all together - thats HIS baby boy.

me: awwwww, this is so intimate *-* his arms wrapped around his lil blondie. xi loves him so much. I love clingy boyfriends.
also me: *remembers jian yi will disappear for three years when they enter high school and zheng xi will become heartbroken because the love of his life is gone*
also, also me: it's okay though because he comes back and they soon get together officially as confirmed by the author old xian themself.
*stares at official artwork of them kissing* https://imgur.com/TwaACvk
<3333 all will end well. thank god. ^-^ doesn't make me too sad when I think about it this way.
*snorts* hahahahaha (≧∀≦)