Loved the story from the guys perspective. He knew what he was but couldn't accept it since the way it is perceived as abnormal which made him feel abnormal. I think the society, people's perspective to look at something different from them as abnormal and level it as such should change cause it can be a sole factor for someone to be deprived of their own feelings and emotions. In the beginning didn't really like the way the girl thought as she liked homos as in BL however claimed that there were gay near which felt like denying their existence to me, don't know how the author actually wanted to come off tho. But in the later part she really made a great impact in the MC's life
And dislike that older guy from depth of my heart like who the fuck views their own son with lust and even had the audacity to project such lust on a minor and claim it as love, that's jus hypocrisy.
Well all in all it was an eye opening read and realistic with how people go through life while trying to find the meaning of their own existence in a closeted and narrow-minded society.
Cause it's just about You LIKING someone which your heart wants to
You are never at fault for LIKING someone, its the society which view you as per their prejudice and narrow-mindedness at fault.
So I hope every person will live with their head held high without feeling small from other insignificant individuals who are of no help or importance in their life whatsoever.

It was more of an excuse for the younger brother to assault the MC than empathy for his brother. Like he just straight up make it seem like MC was at fault. And thank God that fucker needed to pay for his deed cause most of the times the just let the perpetrators get away with their disgusting acts. Hope that bastard will rot in hell.
I read this thinking the MC is an adult rather than a 16 year old child since she actually acts way mature than a 16 year would. I don't really have a problem with a huge gap but I am not that comfortable with match of a minor with an adult. But I couldn't stop reading cause the flow of story and plot was to my taste. Ugh it's my taste that's a problem I guess