Ryomoku Min January 24, 2021 11:09 pm

I know the new blond guy is hot, but he's probably her step brother, as soon as I saw him I thought it was actually her mother, then someone called him master (or something) and I realised, so I'm afraid there's not going to be any reverse harem

Ryomoku Min December 26, 2020 12:01 pm

wait, I don't get it, so are the empress and the emperor in love? she didn't seem bothered by him having another child and they interacted more as friends than a couple, but then he got mad that his brother flirted with her? if there's anyone who read the novel, can you clear this up pls?

    watashinoramen December 26, 2020 12:11 pm

    most of the time the empress and the emperor dont love each other , its more of an arranged marriage . the emperor also has concubines (not all the time) but it seems like they love each other ? or they have an open relationship idk ...

    Nakisa December 26, 2020 1:02 pm

    They're more like business partner/friend but in some way the brother flirting with the Empress is really disrespectful and can dirt their image or pride ? So I think it's why the Emperor get mad

Ryomoku Min December 25, 2020 12:39 pm

to all the people in the comment who are saying that she should just shut up and listen to him, are we reading the same comic? First of all, the death of her friend was huge fucking deal, he was the only person she had and after his death SHE KILLED HERSELF, and suddenly she's not dead anymore and teleported to a world she has no knowledge of, can you imagine how traumatic that is? she was ready to give up her life because it didn't have any meaning after the death of the friend and she dies and she remembers that she committed suicide and realises that she has to live still. Second of all, Yarn could also have explained things from the beginning instead of waiting for her to get mad, he could have explained that it wasn't him when the friend was murdered and could could have explained again when he knew she remembered cause it literally does not take that long to say "it was not me" instead of this huge fucking misunderstanding saying "it wasn't a lie". her anger is perfectly justified and human so to everyone saying that shes naive or that she didn't listen take a look from the other perspective. she's not even that stupid of a protagonist but since a hot man is being misunderstood yall are getting ridiculous

    yaoijunky December 25, 2020 4:03 pm

    She didn`t listen because she wanted drama. Such a cliché. J.U.S.T L.I.K.E A.N.Y O.T.H.E.R W.O.M.A.N. Shame but `been there,`done that. Female psychology. Think. Happy holidays!!!

    Ryomoku Min December 25, 2020 7:50 pm
    She didn`t listen because she wanted drama. Such a cliché. J.U.S.T L.I.K.E A.N.Y O.T.H.E.R W.O.M.A.N. Shame but `been there,`done that. Female psychology. Think. Happy holidays!!! yaoijunky

    the blatant mysogyny in your reply makes this biased from the beginning but other than that you still did not add anything to what I've said. The protagonist never said that she wanted to cause drama so what you're saying is wrong. Women can also feel emotions like any other person so let's have this conversation when you have relevant information to put on the table without being a bigot ^_^ Wish you all the best!

    yaoijunky December 25, 2020 8:25 pm
    the blatant mysogyny in your reply makes this biased from the beginning but other than that you still did not add anything to what I've said. The protagonist never said that she wanted to cause drama so what yo... Ryomoku Min

    Sorry to break it to you: I am a woman. Hetero. W/O mysogyny. Just know what I am talking about. Seen it done it. The drama I read just about. We women do this shit unfortunately too much that is why we f#ck up sometimes our relatonships. We love to feel shitty and drown ourselves in self pity and sorrow because of the drama we caused. Sometimes we learn, sometimes it is too late. With age we might mature and grow up, some of us cannot make it there. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Ryomoku Min December 25, 2020 8:38 pm
    Sorry to break it to you: I am a woman. Hetero. W/O mysogyny. Just know what I am talking about. Seen it done it. The drama I read just about. We women do this shit unfortunately too much that is why we f#ck up... yaoijunky

    it does not matter that you are a woman yourself :) everything you've mentioned sounds like a you problem but please don't generalise all women to be like that. this idea that women only want drama is an old one that's been used way too many times. I don't really understand why you're bashing on your own sex but the world is so much better if you see it with an open mind ^_^ what you said was still mysogynistic, coming from a woman or not, it is both heavily prejudiced and stereotyped. I'm all about women supporting women in my life, you should try it too. <3

    yaoijunky December 25, 2020 9:56 pm
    it does not matter that you are a woman yourself :) everything you've mentioned sounds like a you problem but please don't generalise all women to be like that. this idea that women only want drama is an old on... Ryomoku Min

    I fully support your positive thoughts, please be always like that. And of course I will be always like this. Living my own life, having my own opinion. Free spirit as always. Ate my share, did my share, learn my share. Wish you the same. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Ryomoku Min December 25, 2020 11:46 pm
    I fully support your positive thoughts, please be always like that. And of course I will be always like this. Living my own life, having my own opinion. Free spirit as always. Ate my share, did my share, learn ... yaoijunky

    thank you for this civilised conversation! wish you all the best :>

    Syuwee December 26, 2020 5:52 pm
    She didn`t listen because she wanted drama. Such a cliché. J.U.S.T L.I.K.E A.N.Y O.T.H.E.R W.O.M.A.N. Shame but `been there,`done that. Female psychology. Think. Happy holidays!!! yaoijunky

    You need some help. For real get your brain moving not your ass. Are you saying that losing the only person she have, suicide, reborn again, take responsibility for others, knowing her friend's death that might be related to people she cared about not gonna stress her out. She doesn't want drama ok drama wants her. Get your facts straight, she is tired of drama that's why she did suicide. Stupid ass mysogyny

    yaoijunky December 26, 2020 7:00 pm
    You need some help. For real get your brain moving not your ass. Are you saying that losing the only person she have, suicide, reborn again, take responsibility for others, knowing her friend's death that might... Syuwee

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Syuwee December 26, 2020 7:03 pm
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ yaoijunky

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Laazaarii January 4, 2021 2:01 am
    She didn`t listen because she wanted drama. Such a cliché. J.U.S.T L.I.K.E A.N.Y O.T.H.E.R W.O.M.A.N. Shame but `been there,`done that. Female psychology. Think. Happy holidays!!! yaoijunky

    " just like any other woman" Gtfo of here this Isnt a place for stupid children smh

    Cooolmasters January 4, 2021 5:03 am

    um . . . everyone, this is just a comic so there is really no need to get mad over something so pointless. Everyone is entitled to an opinion so it's rude to call out people's opinions. I don't agree with some things that are happening but I'm not going to literally start a war over it. It's just better think logically when opening a can of worms.

    Ryomoku Min January 5, 2021 11:31 pm
    um . . . everyone, this is just a comic so there is really no need to get mad over something so pointless. Everyone is entitled to an opinion so it's rude to call out people's opinions. I don't agree with some ... Cooolmasters

    this wasn't meant to start all this mess, if you read the earlier messages we were having a peaceful discussion. I was merely speaking up about all the people blaming the protagonist because I believed that their argument didn't make sense, although I do believe that this discussion should have been made because people are blaming the victim unjustly.

    Lloren January 9, 2021 4:28 am
    um . . . everyone, this is just a comic so there is really no need to get mad over something so pointless. Everyone is entitled to an opinion so it's rude to call out people's opinions. I don't agree with some ... Cooolmasters

    Their opinions just clashed. The way their opinions has been stated is what also caused this. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    grace juice January 10, 2021 6:32 am

    girl you did not miss! y'all better not let this guy's face blind you to whatever acts he's committed. sabine is completely justified in cutting him off.

Ryomoku Min December 23, 2020 4:31 pm

I can see that the fake girl is repenting but I really cannot bring myself to like her. I acknowledge that she was a scared child but what she did was unforgivable and all this would not be happening if she "stayed in her place" so to say. Chulsoo especially has been having it really rough because of her and even though he was fated to be taken in by the criminals, he would not have been beaten by them if his sister wasn't there and would probably have escaped before too since he wouldnt have thought to save his sister. so yeah, she's a really hateble character and no matter how much she is repenting I can't help but hate her with all my heart

    Piney December 27, 2020 2:28 pm

    I get eunsong tho (to a certain amount of degree xD) the feeling that you’re behind everyone else and them eventually leaving you behind but eunsong shouldn’t have sorted into doing what she did. I even bet she got inferiority complex so i hope with time she becomes better and realize her mistakes and learn from them

    Piney December 27, 2020 2:30 pm

    Chulsoo would get beaten up and still become like this regardles if daeyoung was there or not because the cops and everyone else is on the fathers side

    Ryomoku Min December 27, 2020 7:20 pm
    Chulsoo would get beaten up and still become like this regardles if daeyoung was there or not because the cops and everyone else is on the fathers side Piney

    I wasn't saying he wouldn't be, but the main reason he's beaten up is as a punishment for his sister, we basically don't see him beaten up now as a teenager except for when his sister makes mistakes

    Ozy47 January 3, 2021 5:52 pm

    I respect your opinion but unlike you i actually am fond of her she is cunning and does everything she can just to survive. What she did was only because she did not want to be alone but she knows this is not how it will go with reality so instead it is her who tried to left them first. The accidents is not her fault i mean yes she is a major contributor to the event but ita not like she wanted to burn the entire building or kill her she just wanted to hide her while pretending to be her in the meantime to get adopted. That is maybe why her mother likes her too since she understands her and I promise that you a;so will one day relate to her

    H.M.N.I God January 4, 2021 11:14 pm
    I wasn't saying he wouldn't be, but the main reason he's beaten up is as a punishment for his sister, we basically don't see him beaten up now as a teenager except for when his sister makes mistakes Ryomoku Min

    But if he found euensung or however you spell it, he would’ve still tried to save her. And he will still get beaten

Ryomoku Min December 13, 2020 8:10 pm

when I say you can clearly see how the entire "plot" was written by a man just by the first episode...

    patti December 13, 2020 11:36 pm

    Exactly and by the way the female characters are drawn

Ryomoku Min December 6, 2020 4:41 pm

I DESPERATELY need raws, any language is fine but I can't go on with my life without knowing what's gonna happen

Ryomoku Min December 1, 2020 3:45 pm

this is so disgusting, sexual harassment is still harassment even if its coming from a woman and making such an otherwise wonderful main character, a pervert was a horrible choice

    Anye1116 December 5, 2020 10:20 am

    Lmao the number of dislikes. I totally agree with what u mean, that's why I dropped this lol

    Ryomoku Min December 5, 2020 12:10 pm
    Lmao the number of dislikes. I totally agree with what u mean, that's why I dropped this lol Anye1116

    exactly, reading it I was actually really excited to continue cause it seemed the protagonist would have a strong personality and I saw that she escaped and then the author just... made her "quirky" cause she sexually harasses another woman? so lesbian sexual harassment = ok?

    Anye1116 December 5, 2020 11:48 pm
    exactly, reading it I was actually really excited to continue cause it seemed the protagonist would have a strong personality and I saw that she escaped and then the author just... made her "quirky" cause she s... Ryomoku Min

    Idk why people are saying Chile it's book. I was also really excited. Female lead who does the fighting? That's really rare but then we get an attitude like he's a perverted old man. I didn't continue but I hope she gets character development to show the readers that her initial habits are wrong.

    Ryomoku Min December 6, 2020 12:07 pm
    Idk why people are saying Chile it's book. I was also really excited. Female lead who does the fighting? That's really rare but then we get an attitude like he's a perverted old man. I didn't continue but I hop... Anye1116

    tbh I get that it's a fictional work, and I'm ok with fictional work being fucked like killing stalking, but these kind of things only work when you're actually acknowledging that it is a fucked up behaviour and not using it as a way to show that 'oh look, this fl is sooooo different she's so quirky and she's perverted so she's not like other girls!!' I don't know how this is supposed to get the reader to like her,especially since this is a shoujo story and doesn't have any content warnings for what she's doing. If the character that did these thing would have been a man the comment section would have been enraged, but what's the point of feminism if you have double standards?

Ryomoku Min November 29, 2020 6:07 pm

the art is so familiar but just when I think I remember the comic with the same art, it slips away, does anyone know?

Ryomoku Min November 21, 2020 5:09 pm

I am tired, tired, completely tired of the female lead always giving something up for the love to continue. I completely understand that he was brought yo to inherit the title and all of that but for once in these manhwa I want the fl to be selfish. I can't even name a ml that has actually given something up to stay with fl, and although there are some, it's nearly not enough. To give up the title was something possible for both parties and for once I actually hoped that the ml would be the one to do something, but here we are

    angix96 November 21, 2020 5:58 pm

    But Albert WANTED to give up his title, he was the first one to say he would refuse his name, he also already told so to his father, and his father asked him to rethink about it, but he didn't want to change is mind. It was Avery that didn't want him to refuse his name and choose him before the dukedom.
    Honestly, I hoped they would find another way, anothee path to get it all

    GEM November 21, 2020 6:43 pm

    Different viewpoint - If I got to choose which family I would keep, I'd keep the one who loved and supported me even when I was a servant with nothing to my name. They protected her father, mother, and her secret as long as they could. At the first chance, the other family automatically thought the man she want to marry doesn't love her or would come to hate her because of the rumors going around. She didn't give anything up in my book and has her grandfather's love in addition.

    jaeshin November 21, 2020 7:21 pm
    Different viewpoint - If I got to choose which family I would keep, I'd keep the one who loved and supported me even when I was a servant with nothing to my name. They protected her father, mother, and her secr... GEM

    yess i wish i could thumbs up this reply but also remember that a big part of love is sacrifice whether its loving someone or loving something. at the end of the day, many people have to pick

    Katelyn-555 November 22, 2020 12:10 pm

    Exacaly i honestly wanted avery to do something for herself instead for Albert. Like yeah he wanted his title but why couldnt he give up his. Like being the husband of the douches seems much better than anything. But avery HAD to be selfless. If only she was selfish enough

    Ryomoku Min November 22, 2020 9:05 pm
    But Albert WANTED to give up his title, he was the first one to say he would refuse his name, he also already told so to his father, and his father asked him to rethink about it, but he didn't want to change is... angix96

    yes, exactly. I'm not saying Albert didn't offer, I'm just disappointed that the author chose a very, the fl, to sacrifice her family instead of the male lead sacrificing something for once. I'm definitely aware that Albert offered, but I thought that the author would make him go through with his decision

    Ryomoku Min November 22, 2020 9:10 pm
    Different viewpoint - If I got to choose which family I would keep, I'd keep the one who loved and supported me even when I was a servant with nothing to my name. They protected her father, mother, and her secr... GEM

    I guess that from that viewpoint, you're right. she still has her grandfather's love and is marrying into a family that has always loved and protected her, but I was expressing how tired I am of the woman always being the one to renounce to something. Had Albert renounced his title, things would have been exactly the same, he and she would still have his father's love and get married into a good family who just want the best for Avery and wouldn't hurt him, so why is it that when it comes to it, it's always the woman to actually go through with her choice? she's a very strong fm but I think I would have preferred if she was more selfish and chose herself for once instead of doing what she did

    GEM November 24, 2020 1:50 pm
    I guess that from that viewpoint, you're right. she still has her grandfather's love and is marrying into a family that has always loved and protected her, but I was expressing how tired I am of the woman alway... Ryomoku Min

    I'm not sure I agree that things would be the same because that woman killed her own brother for the title and the son was willing to rpe her for it. I don't think Albert's family is that way and I don't think Avery has much ambition... Hehe she just wants a food tour and in good with that! I guess I just didn't want some of the bs family drama but cute couple time selfishly, I need another '50 Tea Recipes' type one to balance out my reading hehe.

    If you aren't reading it, The Investigator of Mueller might satisfy what you communicated in your post. It does have a supernatural component. And yes, if you start it and think too much about what you posted I gave a bit of a spoiler. No more than you would have figured out yourself pretty quickly, I'm sure

    Ryomoku Min November 24, 2020 6:48 pm
    I'm not sure I agree that things would be the same because that woman killed her own brother for the title and the son was willing to rpe her for it. I don't think Albert's family is that way and I don't think ... GEM

    I totally respect your opinion on this, I was just expressing what I thought could be done better. And yes! I actually do read the Investigator of Muella, for anyone else, I do recommend it :)

    GEM November 24, 2020 7:37 pm
    I totally respect your opinion on this, I was just expressing what I thought could be done better. And yes! I actually do read the Investigator of Muella, for anyone else, I do recommend it :) Ryomoku Min

    I enjoyed the exchange of thoughts! Your initial post sounded reasonable and engaging with a different perspective I was curious to hear more about. I absolutely see where you are coming from too and you're not wrong. It would be fun to see both paths if this were an alternative world situation!

    I can only hope the next chapters flesh out the writers intentions so we can be satisfied with their approach to these lovely characters.i want more Avery and Albert moments!!

    GEM December 6, 2020 11:04 pm

    Soooo, I'm super curious as to how you feel about that mic drop!!

    Ryomoku Min December 7, 2020 2:28 pm
    Soooo, I'm super curious as to how you feel about that mic drop!! GEM

    to be completely honest, I am actually satisfied on how it went, yeah, the ml didn't sacrifice anything, but neither did the fl so I feel like they're on the same level where neither rone or the other is inferior. I think the decision to let them both keep the title was for the best, because even though I was saying that he should have renounced his right, I think I would have still felt sad if they were to cut ties with his family. so yeah, I actually feel quite satisfied with this

    GEM December 13, 2020 6:09 pm

    I was not expecting the switch to happen like that so to get both could get the title! It was sweet and I'm content.

    Tbh, I'm a bit torn when I think too deeply on it. If she was going to get the title I would have rather the way you described in it when it was her choice. On one hand, He just undid all her hard work and the meaning behind it (I took it as her dad would have given his sister the title if she would have just asked instead her trying to kill him) without talking to her about it. On the other hand, she should have talked to him and just decided together what they wanted to do. Then I have the snarky voice saying "great, the woman gets to keep her title because the white man said it was okay and gifted it back to her" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ guess those are all different story plots I'll read elsewhere and just enjoy the cute kiss she bestowed on him for getting the mine sticking gold right!

    Ryomoku Min December 13, 2020 6:17 pm
    I was not expecting the switch to happen like that so to get both could get the title! It was sweet and I'm content.Tbh, I'm a bit torn when I think too deeply on it. If she was going to get the title I would h... GEM

    now that you point it out, it really does look like her grandpa was throwing a tantrum and was like "it's either her or nobody" after she made the decision and was ready to give up her heritage for love. Even though I prefer this way it could have been done this way in the beginning without the useless going in circles if her choice wasn't to be respected anyways.

    GEM December 14, 2020 12:15 am

    "if her choice wasn't to be respected anyways."
    100% agree!! I believe you pinpointed the sour feeling I had in the middle of the recent chapter in that oine. Ah well, the fact that they seem to be so obviously happy made up for any personal wishes I might have had

Ryomoku Min November 1, 2020 10:14 am

this is not the first time I return to this webtoon, its my comfort comic. I really recommend reading it

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