Hayden's smile can make anyone stop dead in their tracks. I know Brett, getting the full frontal of it, had to have his brain malfunction for a little bit there, hehe!
but seriously, such a good story! love the interaction between them how it goes from strained/hatred to (starting to be) caring and more open. next season I hope to get those 2 opening up to each other more and some confessions! Though both of them, I think, still need to admit it to themselves first.
season 2 can't come fast enough!
Omg I thought the same thing! If someone like Hayden who doesn’t smile often or open up to others often smiled at me the way Hayden smiled at Brett in chapter 26, I’m pretty sure I would just. Immediately dedicate my life to them from then on. It goes to show how all the work Brett put in really paid off
Hey all, while I was reading a BL last night I came across this image and wondered if it came from a particular manga? It looks interesting if it is! Thx in advance!
Its an OC I believe this is the artist insta https://www.instagram.com/p/B22jP6jHP-3/?utm_medium=copy_link
reading comments I guess I'm not the only one. Chaeheon sounds just like my manipulative, coercive ex. the amount of guilt tripping and dual standards is making me angry.