Hayden's smile can make anyone stop dead in their tracks. I know Brett, getting the full frontal of it, had to have his brain malfunction for a little bit there, hehe!
but seriously, such a good story! love the interaction between them how it goes from strained/hatred to (starting to be) caring and more open. next season I hope to get those 2 opening up to each other more and some confessions! Though both of them, I think, still need to admit it to themselves first.
season 2 can't come fast enough!

Omg I thought the same thing! If someone like Hayden who doesn’t smile often or open up to others often smiled at me the way Hayden smiled at Brett in chapter 26, I’m pretty sure I would just. Immediately dedicate my life to them from then on. It goes to show how all the work Brett put in really paid off

for some reason I wanna say Brett fell in love first, just hasn't really settled in his mind first. I mean, he approached Hayden first, did things specifically to lure him in, which means he MUST have been watching him for a while, and Hayden obviously didn't know who Brett was before their first encounter.
I could be wrong but Brett's definitely the chaser out of the 2 of them. Sure Hayden's bonded with him, but Hayden seems more chill (about whatever this situationship is) while homeboy Brett goes STRAIGHT to Hayden after an out of state game after also immediately checking his phone after said game lol.
I also really want to see Brett snuggling up with Hayden hoodie later on (I hope!) I wanna see a softer Brett considering what'll happen next couple chaps. (I really don't think Hayden's gonna get that hoodie back anytime soon either.)

Hahaha I thought about that too! (Cuz they’ve taken over my brain 24/7) but I personally love seeing common tropes like that done by different authors because I LOVE seeing how different minds create and flesh out different scenarios. It’s much better than having an attempt at something original and it just being way too out there and then it ends in a flop. But that’s just my own personal opinion :)

I agree! I'm actually hoping for it too! Like please don't mention it not to come up later lol! I'm intrigued for sure! They also live rent free in my mind 24/7. I keep trying to think of potential s2 scenarios and it's rotting my brain c(: I don't mind troupes as long as it's a little different flavor (so to speak) every time. If it's the exact same every time it's boring.

now I completely forgot what happened in the present day. backstory was too long. I'm glad it's over now and it's cool to know the info but I'm just gonna assume ML slipped off a cliff. Why? Don't remember and can't be bothered to look for the last present day chapter.

if i remember correctly he was looking for a cure or something cuz dragon's health is declining and so while looking for the cure in the mountain while it's raining heavy he probably slipped and lost consciousness. there was thw old woman situation but i can't remember it well, but i'm pretty sure it was in his dream that the old woman appear cuz some things sure are strange during the old woman.

If I were Estelle I would low-key be pissed... at Emel. The princess, ya she's a bitch and she'll just continue to use/step on/take everything from Estelle because of the contract and I would just bide my time until I can destroy said contract and FINALLY get back at the bitch. Patience will make that victory all the sweeter.
However with Emel, I'd be super pissed in that moment. She now knows that he left her in that manner to go claim a family position he had insinuated he was never interested in (and partially he considered himself not close with his family at all). He had promised to stay by her side, then they slowly fell in love with each other (as she got older), and then he just leaves her, without telling her what for, to then reappear before her again and with the princess "introducing" him no less.
I'd be pissed. But as a classy young lady I wouldn't show it. Just smile and ignore him just so I wouldn't give that satisfaction to the princess. AND Estelle also has to low-key worry about Emel now since he knows what she is (an elementalist) and there's the potential he could tell the royal family for power/wealth what have you. (I don't think he will but she doesn't know that.)
Sorry for the long post. That's just my thoughts from someone who hasn't read the novel/doesn't know any spoilers.

"He doesn't even know where you are!"
Me: *pulls John Cena out* Are you sure about that?
Shin: (⊙…⊙ )
Also me: *starts to sing* "His boyfriend's back and you're gonna get in trouble~!"
Reference to song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0MrKN2Tz5A
reading comments I guess I'm not the only one. Chaeheon sounds just like my manipulative, coercive ex. the amount of guilt tripping and dual standards is making me angry.