jeeeesus i thought it was gonna start to get serious again. i swear tho, my heart skips a beat whenever white-haired-dude appears. *q* how the hell does he get so big on instant noodles?? XD
what the hell is that guy's problem??! seriously, who does shit like that? it's so childish and outright cruel, i can't even wrap my brain around it. is this what happens in schools, for real? maybe i had a sheltered upbringing, but damn that stupid shit makes me mad/confused.
i was wishing and hoping for a continuation of this couple!!! discovered blue! blue! blue! last year, and LOVED it. oh god SOO satisfying. they are beyond sexy and adorable. plus, the *zoom* kisses were hilariously cute!!! ohh what a wonderful new years treat!
it's too much!! *^_^* hehe but please don't let it stop. it's so sweet & feel-good, seriously. all my worries just flew away