I already know my ass about to get hella dislikes for this comment but I don’t really care, some of y’all are honestly weird and disgusting on this website like why would u ship a 15 years old boy with a 20 years old grown man to begin with and to put the cherry on top want to see the 15 year old get fucked. I haven’t even read this (and I don’t plan on reading this at all) but some of these comments are saying Gojo raped Itadori like how can u read that and find that shit hot or cute like ew straight up disgusting asf and some of y’all really out here trying to justify liking it too like please check in with a therapist asp because something is wrong with y’all ong

What the hell are you even talking about? Rape is bad yes. But what about all the other mangas on this site that have that trope? Are you just turning a blind eye to that? What about ‘painter of the night’? How about ‘obey me’? ‘Love is an illusion’? This is FICTION. The fictional content that someone creates or reads NEVER determines what they approve of irl. Ppl are reading this bc they like goyuu dynamics, not bc they’re actively searching for a couple with such an age gap. You srsly don’t know how to mind your own business huh? Just read what you like and others will read what they like. Simple as that.

who tf is turning a blind eye it's like yall blind or some shit people do hate on those things it's like u lack common sense it's like u fail school or some shit
one it's disgusting how u justified age gap and this story two people that read this are pedo 3 people don't need to mine their business they just need to spread hate on story like these hbu not be a pedo and actually have commone senes story like these isn't enjoyable and disugting

I can see that you have literally no argument apart from the fact that you find this disgusting. And I respect that. Just don’t look at it, don’t click on it. Calling something “pedophilic” is something serious and you need serious proof to back it up. If there’s no real child, it does not constitute as that. Bet you read problematic content all the time as well.

LMAOO ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RN? You’re acting like a kid. I’m the one questioning whether you went to school or not. Any healthy adult would be able to tell fiction from reality. And you talk about age gap as if it ain’t a common trope in mangas. What about popular stories like noragami or kamisama kiss? What about dengeki daisy? And the list goes on and on. Pedophilia is something serious and you need serious proof to back it up. If you were educated enough to talk about this topic, you would know that pedophilia is something that involves REAL children, not some fictional character. It’s fine to dislike this type of content, but you don’t need to shit on ppl who are just minding their own business. For the record, I wasn’t even talking to you, so I don’t know why you even replied to me.

I feel like tv shows that show sexual relationships between minors or older actors playing minors is way more problematic isn't it? I've been trying to figure out why fictional works like manga and manhwa with people who aren't real are getting attacked while videos or movies that do the same thing never get attacked... Pls someone give me their honest opinions this has been on my mind a lot lately so here I am(=・ω・=)

Shows that depict sexual relationships between minors and older characters have ratings and as such, the audience is much usually more mature and they UNDERSTAND, that it’s a fictional story and that’s it’s definitely not ok irl. When it comes to mangas and manhwas, there’s not ratings, so the comment section is full of immature people who don’t know how to mind their own business and resort to asserting their “morality” onto others by policing the content that others enjoy.

okay so tbh i hate both equal it's very nasty if they're both fiction but it's like most of them are justified a lot of people are rape and groom which is not okay at all also yh people do get hate but not in the same amount like for example Riverdale it's like a double standards Archie ''enjoy it with that teacher like not if he was rape and groom and he didn't know better we was been manipulative but when it comes to a girl Ewww that's nasty but a look of people stilljustifed it which those are the people i hate the most
well u see a lot of people don't care because people are starting to read more and point things out but in my opinion they're both hypocritical if u hate the manwha and manga one why not hate the t.v shoes that justified age-gaps

u must think i am fucking superman or some shit also i have never watched those because i was disgusted with the age-gaps two if it has a big age gap id read that shit at all I am question if u stay back or some shit because all u are doing is justifying rape, grooming,and pedos also are u dumb pedophilia does involve children and fictional character all u are doing is protecting pedos like have u fucking read these comments bitch your glass needs to get fix because that shit must be hella broking huh? Also, if u not coming after with the whole ''if u were educated enough'' like did your parents pull u out of school or did u do heroin or some shit like you're in a different world where I am from they teach u about pedophilia can be in both fictional and real-life plus how tf I am supposed to control those weird popular age-gap those came out long ago and I just started anime and reading manwha,manga, and webtoons for 2 years now

All this aggressive over a fictional ship omg. If it was as serious as you’re putting it out to be you would be reporting it to child services, not arguing with me in the comment section. Literally no one told you to click on this story, you actively chose to click on something you don’t enjoy and start insulting ppl in the comment section. No one is justifying any of these actions in real life bc we KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. Like obviously we know it’s wrong? We are able to explore shit cause it’s literally fictional. No one is getting hurt. You clearly can’t tell the difference from fiction and reality, so I don’t want to even talk to you. I didn’t want to talk to you to begin with? You’re the one who replied to me first. You say you started reading manga, manhwa and webtoons 2 yrs ago? Well, you gotta learn to mind your own business then, trust me, you’ll be a lot happier that way, instead of of parading your puritan ass around everywhere to assert moral dominance or whatever you’re trying to do. Stop talking to me already

bestie… i don’t think this manga is pedophilia since itadori is like 15… he’s grooming him tho which is really messed up to enjoy this content, and fiction and reality argument shouldn’t really be used for serious fictions like this i think, cause it’s effecting real people and in many cases people who grew up with reading child grooming and pedofila normalized become victims :] i just came to the comments kinda surprised how people call gojo a pedofile since itadori is quite old so gojo isn’t really after him because he’s a child
i do think he is being groomed which shouldn’t be normalized and for example if an author were to make a fan fiction on the racism and call all the africans monkeys, would you still call it okay cause it’s fiction? i think the fiction and reality case is sus

I'm sure that everyone knows that problematic content is wrong irl. That's why it's called "problematic". Grooming irl is definitely disgusting and shouldn't be done to anyone. And yes, I would say that Yuuji is being groomed in this fic, but bc Yuuji isn't a real 15 yr old, I don't rly care. If it was real, straight to child services. In terms of fiction and reality, there is definitely a fine line. It's one thing to use a platform to be blatantly racist and it's another to insult and harass ppl just over a fictional ship.

hi! do you understand the meaning of pedophilia? pedophilia is when an ADULT and a MINOR are put together. gojos is a grown adult whilst itadori is a minor and this also includes rape judging from the comments!! im not sure if you knew the meaning of pedophilia though? OH BUT TO BE CLEAR whilst yes being 17 is a minor and being 18 is an adult ones like that are okay cause it's only a 1 year gap!

First of all who is y’all? I don’t even ship anything in anime and I didn’t even know wtf sukufushi was until I looked it up and the only reason why I read stuff on a illegal website is because I’m literally 16 and don’t have the money to buy manga and when I do have the money to buy something I usually try to buy manga to support the artist I’m reading from on this website
Can y’all just stop comparing this story to banana just bc the characters look the same doesn’t mean it’s gonna have the same story/ending