The chibi looked cute but I need to see my man. I know he's even hotter in his 40s
I'm betting all my money it's just going to be more SA so nope I'm done. The art was good but I've reached my limit of what I'm willing to read. There's no character arc he just keeps getting worse and worse
Like of course you are a suspect. It's your restaurant. You have no alibi. No witness. And keeps saying you have no idea what happened. Idk why he expects to be innocent and off the hook. Hyunwook you are a cop ffs you know the legal process exist for a reason and from the police pov it makes a lot of sense to detain your boyfriend if we look at the facts.
She's just a bully? For no reason? And they want us to see her a victim? Fuck off
Oh god not another rape scene. Where's the plot? It's just smut smut smut it sucks because I was a fan of the author other works
The fact that we are all surprised and hyped because the sex is consensual for once really speaks about the current state on BL. Like that should be the bare minimum, the default!!