If you had the Death Note would you use it, and if so for good or bad, worldwide or personal reasons????
thats a personal question, r u questioning my morals?
i know for sure that if u asked light if he would use the death note after knowing that he would die his answer would still be yes.
as for me,i would use it if i had a good reason 2 and mostly for personal reasons. i dont intend to become a savior of humanity nor to rule the whole world.
I'd probably just burn it (can you burn it? idk) I wouldn't like to be responsible for people dying (even if they deserve it)
And I know myself, if I chose to have that much power in my hands I know I'd exploit it, probably going as far as killing those who've done me wrong (which isn't deserving of death i might add, I'm just petty lol) And I know I would delude myself into thinking it's not /me/ killing people, that I'm not /technically/ doing the deed since all I'm doing is writing pencil on paper.
See what I mean? This is why I'd just get rid of it before I'd inevitably fall down this path.
I won't use it. Nothing gives me the right to kill people. If I get one, I'll destroy it. To be frank, I don't have anyone I hate enough to kill them and about criminals..... you know there are police to take care of it.(Imagine if there was a death note, all the thriller or detective movies wouldn't exist)
WHAT the first story was so fluff then RAPEY SNAKE GUYS AND HUMAN SKIN BOOK??