Men looking hot, acting hot and just existing tbh
351 photo
26 05,2024 created

Tooth-rotting fluff and adorable scenes
305 photo
30 05,2024 created

Random scenes that made me cackle like a witch
172 photo
30 05,2024 created

Raw uncensored smut with and without lightsabers
345 photo
30 05,2024 created

The most beautiful and ethereal pieces of art my eyes have ever feasted upon
198 photo
30 05,2024 created

Angst that burns a hole in my heart every time I read it
134 photo
18 06,2024 created

Semes and ukes being filthy and hot
277 photo
31 05,2024 created

Kinda have to know the story to really know it's a happy scene lol
75 photo
02 07,2024 created

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