Can someone (who understands Korean) please please summarize the latest RAW chapter 76?

Read my post again.
I was asking for someone who can read and understand Korean to summarize chapter 76 in the comments like how many often share what happened in the new chapter as a spoiler. I wasn’t asking for an unofficial translation. The first reply kindly shared a link to a website that translated the entire chapter into English but their team is known to machine translate and their translations are often wrong...but i was still grateful for the link and thanked the person who shared the it. Also,there’s a clear difference between summarizing something and translating it...these two things are not the same.

I think, in a way, Nanmu's wish of having a wife and a child (basically having a proper family that he could call his own one day) got fulfilled in a twisted way. The relationship he currently has with Pil-Gyun fulfills his both desires. Pil-Gyun is both his lover and, in a sense, his child too. So, Nanmu is essentially getting both relationships from Pil-Gyun.
I think thats why author kept the 'Dad' thing till the end as well.

Please don't send hate towards me but , in my opinion, i think Seo-an ( bottom) seems a bit toxic one in their relationship. Like sometimes he's gets too unnecessarily possessive and controlling (this sometimes make the relationship suffocating to live in). I get that he had a traumatic past...but still it's not right for him to treat his lover , whom he says he loves a lot, like that.
Jk, you ASSH*LE!!!!!
You can't have everything with your damn money!
This b*tch, seriously!!!!
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