Is Akitora's wife ok with him cheating on her? Yeah, most likely (she probably knows Akitora the best - marrying him and all). Is Akitora a good man from the start though? Not really (he's a goddamn yakuza). BUT is it ok for some us to STILL feel disappointed by Akitora's action despite knowing how he is? goddamn YES (i do feel quite bad for Aki's wife - i REALLY like her). Personally, I never take reading Jealousy seriously (i know aki and rogi would bang each other lol) but man some of y'all gotta stop disregarding other people feelings. Let them feel disappointed if they want to (and YES even when they know what they're gonna get into reading a yakuza-plot story).

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and their feelings and all of that. Where it gets me is when all of the "disappointment" is directed at Rogi, and then it's not disappointment. It's anger, disgust, blame, slut-shaming. Akitora doesn't come in for near his share. Rogi didn't force Akitora to cheat on his wife. Akitora is a grown man who made a conscious choice. Not excusing Rogi but I see a lot of people skipping over Akitora in the blame game.

Lol, true, I mean I never really liked Rogi from the start having read the first story with what he had done to Akitora's son and all that and even when I had read his about his past. I mean sure he had a rough past but I just never really felt like he had any regrets or that it really bothered him, and I guess with him even wanting to go deeper into this kind of life it just couldn't make me sympathize with him but I guess it was just Rogi's character to do something like that because like akitora said, he is the type of guy to push a button without a care for whatever the consequences it may bring and that I understand but doesn't change how despicable he can be. I also know that Akitora isn't a saint either and has done things that you would pretty much expect from a yakuza but just the idea of him cheating on his wife like that just doesn't sit well with me (Partly because I also like the wife and how cool she is and of course their son!) because he doesn't think about how this might affect his family or Rogi as well if he does indeed claim to care about them. I know he had no way of knowing how that would've affected his family years later but considering how unstable Rogi can be and he has seen how desperate the guy can get just to catch his attention, I'm sure he could have at least taken that into consideration. Even more disappointing coming from the guy who tried to turn Rogi down by using his "marriage" and implied "faithfulness to his wife" as an excuse. Still even with all that, I do like Rogi and Akitora's dynamic in this story with all the tension and "energy" they bring. I just wouldn't like it if the wife does know about the relationship about the two and hurt by it (As I said, I like akitora's wife, she seems strong and independent, plus she's a cool lady so what's not to like!) it's just an idea that will always disappoint me and make me feel uncomfortable I just can't help it. (I guess my hetero heart is just winning over my fujoshi instinct this time but meh ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ) I'm still gonna keep reading tho' because the story is great and I just love sensei's art style with characters that always show a great deal of emotion despite looking almost the same in every story.

Just saw the raws......aki is an asshole and haruki is so fucking precious pls fall in love with someone else.
u can go back to sleeping with every tom, dick & jerry out there akihito (also whatever is ur relationship with ugetsu)

Yup akihito in just one chapter proved to be a grade a asshole ,he has no excuse for what he did to haruki and the fact that he knew all along about haruki's feelings makes it even worse .
I guess we shouldn't expect something from a man whore .Anyway he really does have an unhealthy relationship with ugetsu .On one hand they both love each other yet they aren't together and they sleep around even though they love each others but it seems like akihiko lost his shit when ugestu was caught with another man
They continue to live together and it seems sleeps together from time to time yet they aren't really together and they don't seem to be able let go .In my book that is the definition of an unhealthy relationship .

http://ba-raw.livejournal.com/62723.html#comments after maybe you can join the aki hate club XD

Uke's really selfish.....8 years......sigh

Oh it's cool, though I didn't elaborate on nii-san's selfishness but it's not about that. Touma accepted and knew he couldn't love anyone else and nii-san knew that and did took his love for granted (I think it was around chap 4). Actually I was mildly irked why it has to take 8 years but yeah that's up for the mangaka to deide and all (at least they got a happy ending).

But that IS being selfish.....the fact that he knew Touma is in love with him but he still goes to Touma to be pampered when he was dumped, admittedly taking Touma's "brotherly" love for granted...that in a whole is an act of selfish-ness in Tetsu part. Even rejecting Touma's confession at first is partly due to Tetsu's selfishness where he doesn't want to be apart from Touma due to the fact that he believed once they become lovers they would break up one day.

We have a different definition of the word selfish. If my best friend confesses to me , and I answer him no. Because I prefer to have him as friend, it's easier.we can either continue to be friends if he supports it. So it means he will see me with other people. Or else he tells me no, sorry, we can no longer be friends.
To be selfish for me is I don't want to be with you, and I don't want you to have someone other than me. I will live my life but don't live yours.
Here, they just continued to be brothers. And yes, when we are dumped, we cry in the arms of our brother, sister, best friend ... Love in a family is supposed to be guaranteed, at least in my home. Tuma continued to live his life, he had a girlfriend in the meantime. He never made Tetsu understand that it was not easy for him to witness or confort him. That is why Tetsu did not apologize and Touma did not resent him.
To close the subject, let us agree to disagree.

Tetsu himself said he's selfish and he knows his brother loves him and will never leave him unlike his lovers. In fact he has the good part like I don't mind being dumped since my beloved brother will always be here for me.
If he wasn't selfish he would free his brother but he chained him instead of putting some distance and Toyama accepted his selfishness because of his parents who accepted in the family like he knows he's indebted.
I still can’t get over how healthy their relationship is...this couple is just so KIND (and some of it might be due to Tomoharu’s personality rubbing on Aki) but they’re always helping someone else and the trust they have with one another is on another level man