It’s not just you! Apathy towards female characters and disinterest in female stories is a really widespread problem, but it is a problem. I think it’s a issue with (as you said) the media itself, and also, it’s a problem of bias. There’s this post that says: “‘female characters often have weaker writing compared to male characters’ a......
I used to be in lots of scan groups and have done almost all the roles (tl, pr, clrd, ts) in them at different times before (apart from QC) so I think I can answer this well. Yes there are unwritten rules, and not everyone agrees on them. I’ll tell you my perspective. When you start a project another group is actively working on (I don’t mean ......
1) A lot of your questions are in response to a certain TYPE of fangirl. I was a lot like this when I was 16. It's a fantasy at that point, and yaoi paints a picture that isn't realistic. That's what romance fiction is usually about. Girls fall in love with it, and then they want to be a part of it. This attitude, however, changes as a girl gets o......
I'm a guy but I also wanna answer 1) It's really hard to be a woman too, try being a GAY woman. Sometimes wish I could've been born a woman, it's just a lucid thought, I don't think we have to take it that seriously. 2) Because they are, and I say this as a femme too. acting femme is a stereotype and it's not looked down on just from fujoshi, but......

Like why did the seme say what he did when the uke said he was gay? What did that even mean? Why did the seme feel the need to get the uke a tomato? Why was the uke suddenly feeling it more? Was it because he finally realized he was in love with the seme? Was the seme right and it was because of the uke's ex? What was the uke going to say the next morning?
Don't know why but the more I read this the more I wonder about random stuff.
am i wrong for this