aya chan <3 March 12, 2021 12:56 pm

Isn't he a pregnant omega !
I believe that there is no heat sycle to a pregnant omega
But ok i like how they are now
Chapter was

aya chan <3 January 29, 2021 12:21 pm

Hello thank you for the great translation but it seems like ch 30 is missing some page where they go to the doctor and descover the omega to be pregnant

aya chan <3 January 25, 2021 7:28 pm

This is the most cutest thing ive ever read omg like my face couldn't stop smilling all the 27 chapters

aya chan <3 January 4, 2021 11:07 pm

And then ladies and gentlemen
He fucked her
So today we learn to not kiss our husband in his forhead
I literally did that to my husband when he was super busy with some report for work and kissed him on his forehead and wishes him a good night and bang boom bang

    Carmel January 4, 2021 11:07 pm

    Umm I think we learned a different lesson...YES TO KISSING UR SPOUSE ON THE FOREHEAD WHILE THEYRE BUSY it’s like so pure

    aya chan <3 January 4, 2021 11:10 pm
    Umm I think we learned a different lesson...YES TO KISSING UR SPOUSE ON THE FOREHEAD WHILE THEYRE BUSY it’s like so pure Carmel

    Yaa but I wasn't ready i just wanted to sleep

    Carmel January 5, 2021 9:06 am
    Yaa but I wasn't ready i just wanted to sleep aya chan <3

    I’m low key jealous ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    aya chan <3 January 5, 2021 11:05 am
    I’m low key jealous ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ Carmel

aya chan <3 December 12, 2020 12:24 pm

This is so fucked up
But i love love love it (⊙…⊙ )

aya chan <3 November 9, 2020 11:24 am

Waiting for the chapter

    Jeyyy November 9, 2020 6:10 pm

    You can read now.

aya chan <3 October 30, 2020 5:27 pm

Too fast ?! And didn't get to understand many thing
Didn't love the manga at all

aya chan <3 September 28, 2020 11:39 pm

Why are you doing that

aya chan <3 August 8, 2020 4:03 pm

I didn't like it at all
The story is bad and so much nudity
I don't understand how in the hell nude Is art
All I see is something too shamelessly

    Aqua_belle August 8, 2020 6:21 pm

    Not to be rude but you sound as ignorant as some of the people in this story. The human physique is a beautiful thing and something’s only sexual if you look at it in that way. The painter painted her nude because he loved her for everything that she was and he didn’t do it because he wanted to show her off shamelessly.

    aya chan <3 August 8, 2020 10:18 pm
    Not to be rude but you sound as ignorant as some of the people in this story. The human physique is a beautiful thing and something’s only sexual if you look at it in that way. The painter painted her nude be... Aqua_belle

    I'm sorry
    I didn't mean to offend anyone I believe every one is free to do whatever they like
    But I really really can't see nudity as an art in my culture it's a shame and I don't really like it so I was just saying my point of view
    But I really don't like that kind of art

    Maddie August 9, 2020 2:04 am
    I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone I believe every one is free to do whatever they like But I really really can't see nudity as an art in my culture it's a shame and I don't really like it so I was just s... aya chan <3

    Don't worry aya chan, you’re not the first person to dislike nude art and you certainly won't be the last. Nude artworks have often come under fire throughout history and none so much as female imagery. Even the ancient Greeks who often portrayed males with their genitalia exposed, and even presented proudly, rarely showed women without at least robes and never completely nude. There have been plenty of nude pieces throughout history meant to be erotic, shocking, or downright offensive but that’s ok because they were created in order to provoke that reaction. Nudist works can show the human body as beautiful but they can also be used to stir feelings we may not like or want to think about, but in many cases that is exactly the point. Don’t deny yourself of your opinion because others may not see it as politically correct, it is perfectly alright to feel embarrassed and offended by nudist pieces. If you do encounter a nudist piece (such as in a museum, for a project, or anywhere else) try to focus less on the nudity and more on the other elements that make up the piece and the artist's message. And don't be afraid to express yourself, expressing your feelings is the true meaning of art.

    aya chan <3 August 9, 2020 11:30 am
    Don't worry aya chan, you’re not the first person to dislike nude art and you certainly won't be the last. Nude artworks have often come under fire throughout history and none so much as female imagery. Even ... Maddie

    Oh thank you
    I really liked your reply
    It's something I grew up with and I believe in modesty more than the nuds
    But as you said everyone has his own thinking about what right and what's wrong

    God Of Unknown August 9, 2020 4:36 pm

    I know y’all already solve this but I kinda wanna add to this since I found it interesting. nude art is essential to any artist, since knowing and understanding the human body is key for a lot of things. Nude art usually helps people understand that and it helps break the walls on feeling ashamed of showing “our” bodies. Rather than thinking of it as something shameless, look at it more as a study. Just like the paintings and sculptures one sees in museums, they were all studies to see how close they could get to the real thing and basically, kinda, show off the human body. You don’t have to like it of course, like hoe Maddie said, but at the very least don’t denies it as a form of art. Also I think this story did a good job at showing the goods and the bad of this medium, where you can show your love for someone, while some do it for awful things. But at the end, it’s your opinion to not like it so don’t feel like u have to apologize for having it.

    HeCallMeDaddyToo August 9, 2020 4:41 pm

    You're all poopers ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    aya chan <3 August 9, 2020 5:23 pm
    I know y’all already solve this but I kinda wanna add to this since I found it interesting. nude art is essential to any artist, since knowing and understanding the human body is key for a lot of things. Nude... God Of Unknown

    Thank you for your kind words you and all the people that replayed I will try to open my mind to the diffrnet thing in the word

    chibi_luna_chan November 25, 2024 4:45 am
    Thank you for your kind words you and all the people that replayed I will try to open my mind to the diffrnet thing in the word aya chan <3

    I know this is an old thread but I thought I might give a bit of a artist prospective. Have you ever seen a Greek statue? Most of them are made from marble and the full body carvings are almost always nude, yet people look at them in an artistic and historical light instead of a sexual one. And they should. Those statues are hand carved from a single piece of marble and are hundreds of years old, yet are so detailed that you can see the veins and tendons on their arms and hands. You simply can't look at it without seeing how much time and care went into creating it.

    That's what nude art is meant to be. Not sexual, but beautiful in the care and detail given to the subject. But as with all art there are those who appreciate this particular form of art and those who don't. I won't begrudge you your art choices. Honestly, I still can't seem to make myself like Postmodern art no matter how much I try so I can't really throw stones.

    chibi_luna_chan November 25, 2024 4:46 am
    Oh thank you I really liked your reply It's something I grew up with and I believe in modesty more than the nudsBut as you said everyone has his own thinking about what right and what's wrong aya chan <3

    I know this is an old thread but I thought I might give a bit of a artist prospective. Have you ever seen a Greek statue? Most of them are made from marble and the full body carvings are almost always nude, yet people look at them in an artistic and historical light instead of a sexual one. And they should. Those statues are hand carved from a single piece of marble and are hundreds of years old, yet are so detailed that you can see the veins and tendons on their arms and hands. You simply can't look at it without seeing how much time and care went into creating it.

    That's what nude art is meant to be. Not sexual, but beautiful in the care and detail given to the subject. But as with all art there are those who appreciate this particular form of art and those who don't. I won't begrudge you your art choices. Honestly, I still can't seem to make myself like Postmodern art no matter how much I try so I can't really throw stones.

aya chan <3 August 3, 2020 5:46 pm

I tried to read I really did
But it's so dump I can't anymore I'm dropping this manga after reading 40 ch

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