Would I like to come over? WOULD I LIKE TO COME OVER?? Fuck yeah! Sexy azz!
Fuck this, this shit is good as hell! Mwah~! Magnificent!
Oh now he jelly jelly! He wants to eat.....he was hungry! DAYUM!
Bruh..they just HAD TO ruin the moment? Like...why duh hail is you here? GET OUT! AND DONT CALL MY NAME! I DONT KNOW YOU! Now let me get down with my sexy azz man..jeez.
Bruh.....HE LOOK THICK AS HELL ON chp. 7 pg 32. DAMYUMMM! Lemme have some of that azzz~!
damn...HE THICCC! Aye! Junho~! Throw it back for meh
....well that was unexpected....
Greed wolf...snatch you up...aye gimme one of those...
...their lips are so beautiful...like I’m over here looking all crusty...I need some Vaseline.
df....duh hail do you mean “HUH?”...df...youz the one who asked for it....nahh..don’t act surprised now...
Would I like to come over? WOULD I LIKE TO COME OVER?? Fuck yeah! Sexy azz!