I was lookin at the bear the entire time
so many stalkers in this bih
Y people confused? Now I’m confused because you guys are confused and now we’re all confused because people are getting confused.
daddy dom Tae-sung.... yep I can see y
bish do I look like a cat—
Both the neighbor and this bitch should shove a dill pickle down their throats
Don't forget his ex
It ofc
ngl, both brothers are sexy...I-...spare me
damn deformed lookin pixie stick lookin horse face lookin red eyes look like I’ve been smoking coke for life lookin head ahh bitch....ho* azz gorl...
kyahahahaha....the fact the he dragged the shelf with him...PUAHAHAHAHAH
Omg is that what was happening lmao
lolol yeah
“Ah-juicy”——“Ass-juicy” kehukhukhukhukkehukhuk.....df was that?
I was lookin at the bear the entire time