Insert Obligatory *I would like to see the baby* Meme Here

This reads like a story someone gets isekaid into and no thanks, I'm good, I'm going to stop reading before I become the maid or the sister or some shit.

I feel like the princess was a lot smarter in the beginning. Falling for Duke Phaedras bit is o e thing, but she seems to have become waaayyy less manipulative as the story went on. Maybe it's supposed to be her mask falling but still. The princess we have now is not the same scher as the one that had all that shot done to "Bianky".

I get why people are so frustrated but damn, I do get where she's coming from. This is a girl who's gone through years of abuse and trauma, "unearned" kindness is just going to make her feel guilty, especially when shes only been away from her family for not even a year. What she really needs is therapy and the facts of her life put out in front of her in plain and simple terms, with no emotion or intention behind them. I feel for her and I feel for the people in her life too, mental illness is hard for everyone

This arc is ~*trash*~ and I cannot wait until it's over so here are some of the future arcs I'd like to see.
1. Beast World, there are so many now and so many of them are baaad, I want to see them get dragged
2. Hunter/Tower fic, I'd like more action after this travesty and I think this would work well with the demon systems subplot
3. ABO, I think Su LuXia would hate it and I find that hilarious. Also, it needs to be discussed how messed up and weird and completely unhinged from any biology.
4. Some interaction of a world with fanfiction, I'm not sure how it'd work but it could be about how a fanfic became more popular and messed with the characters (my initial thought was Wizard of Oz vs Wicked book vs Wicked musical, but obv can't use licensed stuff)
5. Traditional Villainess in a condemnation event high fantasy setting. Clean, simple, classic. Could do anything with it.

Basically, not this nonsense lol. Would love to see what other people are thinking!

Dang, this artist really knows how to draw a good smirk. Like, overall the art is really good and the funny parts are great and all of their expressions are so realistic, but damn. Those smirks tho

I already put this in my review but I love this, its basically the isekai version of Brewsters Millions. It's just such a slapstick comedy, it works so well.


Someone doesn't know how scalpels work~~

The blades don't stick on the end like that, or at least not for the kind she made. That hole in the blade is where a disposable blade is supposed to snap into a handle. Permanent/sanitizable scalpels should be completely solid lol

I kinda wouldn't mind if Aileen is the FL? She's already so cute as a dragon that I'm really looking forward to finding out her human form. IDK guys, we all know that there is almost always romance in these stories, so it might as well be with a cute dragon girl

Can you imagine watching your kid get shot like that? I had to go reread that part again because I thought maybe he was too calm but damn, obviously was in shock

I read this when it was coming out weekly and it's a completely different experience to reading it all at once.

Bruh, I was hoppin round the room when the mate reveal happened, because there was obv chemistry between them but the reveal was crazy and made me go back and reread the previous chapters to look for clues.

Still one of my faves though, yes it's fast, but the emotions àre there and senri is the cutest of all time.

There's a reason why cliches are so popular, even though you know what's going to happen, it just works so well that you stick with it, like watching a mindless show on Netflix or whatever

The change between the 2 styles is a bit confusing as it's not really a continuation? It looks like chapter chapter 38 (where the color starts) roughly lines up with the middle of chapter 19 of the black and white. For the most recent, chapter 61 lines up with chapter 31.

Man this translation has gotten bad. I like the story but I'm going to wait until another translation comes out. I seriously cannot tell what's a mistranslation and what's a term from the other world, it's giving me a headache.

Yyyoooo the prince and the FL look exactly the same, it's hilarious

I swear the height difference between them increases in every scene. She's probably going to be coming up to his waist by the end lol

Thanks for posting the full chapters Abijyn!!!

I sincerely hope we see more of the first life from the ML perspective because I think the ML must've felt something for her if his memories are carrying over to this life. Honestly the only possible way for his redemption.

Mycatsaretoofat created a topic of More Than You Know

My tolerance for child abuse stories has gone down exponentially, I hate seeing kids in bad situations. so I do appreciate getting to see kids be goofy kids for once, instead of being focused all on revenge and prepping for the future, but darn, I really need a different setup to kids stories.

If I could go back in time and stab the dad, I would. You had a 10 year affair while married to the love of your life because you pitied the other woman and thought she'd kill herself????? He got what he deserved, though obviously mom went too far with her kid but liek????? I'd be so fn passed that id do something stupid too.