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Alex Ryder created a topic of Eternal Covenant

For the people expressing dislike for the way the story has taken a turn with the long flashback and the idea that Sol keep searching/comparing Ian to Brian, I hear you...But listen, dudes

What do we effectively know about Sol till the moment of the flashback? First we think he is a wealthy merchant/enemy of the state, then we see him become interested in Ian and recognising the oppression he is experiencing bc of his power. Power they seem to somewhat share, in a way. Then we find out he is the king of the neighbouring country, a long reigning one (bc this mf is ancient) and that he basically dedicated his whole life to making his kingdom a better place for his departed lover. And it happens that Ian is that lover reincarnated.

But still, we have no idea about Sol's character, what drives him, his upbringing, how he evolved as a person, or how much Brian means to him that he is still grasping at the small possibility, for many centuries now, that his lover will come back to him.

So we explore Sol's beginnings in the human world, we see how far he has come, how Brian's influence on him transformed him into the man he is today, how he kept trying, even after in death, to do right by him. How he was taught human values and virtues, even tho he is a different species, how he still struggles, but is still willing to try and understand the creatures that Brian lived and sought to protect.

To summaries, babes, it's a plot device. One, you have to be willing to understand the intricacies of this whole new world the writer is trying to build bc politics will come into play later (which this flashback helps immensely bc now you know why the kingdoms have beef and you get why, in the kingdom Ian was born, the state religion tried to suppress any form of power their citizens had & you also figure out that the Blonde hottie priest ain't the shit, since he is also a dragon, Sol's brother and most likely the person who FOUNDED THE RELIGION in the 1st place *wheeze*).
TWO, THE WRITING IS GIVING THE CHARACTERS DIMENSION!!! And since when did the girlies stopped liking seasoned, angst roasted characters?!
I'd like to say this isn't that serious, but then again, I wrote the start of a TED talk.

If you're here strictly for the romance, I can see why this is frustrating to you, bc their interaction and progression of their (Ian&Sol) relatioship is at a cliffhanger, and they keep misunderstanding each other. I will say I agree with some opinions about how Sol sees Ian as an extention of Brian, and not his own person. But I am willing to bet this will come into play later and will be a hurdle they will have to pass in their blossoming, budding relationship. Plus, I imagine Ian going feral and I can't wait to see this man finally express his feelings and anger. He's been repressed for too long and having Sol be a witness to him starting to break free from the binds that still shackle him makes me kick my feet up and giggle.