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strawberry-flavoured cock asked a question

i've been insecure of my nose since i was 10 i think, and for the longest time i would always tell myself the same "everyone has beautiful noses, my nose is nothing to be ashamed of," but i really did break down the other day over it. i mean i'm not surprised i did; if i cry over my looks, 50% of the time it's bc of my nose. like a month or two ago i looked at myself in the mirror and said to myself that i WILL get a nose job when i get the money and moments after i said that to myself i felt way better. i felt like by telling myself that my nose was pretty i was lying to myself. now that i told myself that i will get a nose job, i don't cry over my nose as often. the thing is, my nose isn't an "ethnic nose" or whatever. the bridge straight-ish but from the front it's asymmetric asf and i have a bulbous, pretty big nose, so it's not the type to be in those "tiktok nose appreciation" slides. i do have a nose piercing and i love it sm but i rlly fucking hate my nose. it ruins my smile. my best feature is my eyes and my worst is my nose, and when i smile my nose gets bigger and my eyes smaller. it's really not fair. am i young? is that the problem? i am 2009 so idk. i've been insecure abt every single feature i have, even if i've been told that they're "pretty". my biggest are 1. nose, 2. hair, 3. facial/body hair (im indian), 4. face shape, 5. hip dips, 6. acne + acne scars, 7. eyes (they're asymmetric), 8. lips (again asymmetric), and the list will probably never end. i rlly don't know anymore. i never usually spiral over my insecurities like this but i've been rlly unstable lately. pls tell me if i'm valid or your experiences with this sort of thing, i just need other perspectives with these types of insecurities.