This makes me think how many children in the world suffer from shitty parents and their decisions, yet try to haunt them down when they prove they are capable of life! Why? Is it okay to take revenge on life using your own child!
Nah, but it seems like it's something common in Asian culture in general to try to snatch other peoples loved ones even between friends themselves like no shame of it all!
Q. How to know that the author is a virgin in his mid thirties? A. Big boob, mostly not moving in sync, big ass, very small waist.. And more importantly a disgusting plot.
It just pisses me off that there's almost zero communication in most manhwas when it comes to relationships, assumptions, assumptions and more assumptions, be it when it comes to lovers quarrels or sex no understanding and the chemistry barely exists!
Well, maybe, but I had that same cutie pie and innocent vibe the first time I saw him which happens that Taehyung has, and the author is Korean who had their first works as kdrama so yeah the thought came to my mind quite a lot lmao
This makes me think how many children in the world suffer from shitty parents and their decisions, yet try to haunt them down when they prove they are capable of life! Why? Is it okay to take revenge on life using your own child!