"Jesus. Teacher, healer, savior. The story of one of the most revered figures in human history is re...
- Author: Yasuhiko Yoshikazu
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Seinen
I dont like this author at all. Almost every single woman (and girl) is sexualised in some way. I dont have a Problem with sex scenes and women being depicted in a sexual way, but theres a difference between that and portraying them as sex objects. At least for me, it is very obvious from an authors work if they hate or at the very least dislike women.
I was weirded out in the beginning, but the story ended up really nice
The story is about conjoined twins, a boy and a girl, and how they - in the wake of the Great Kanto ...
- Author: Koutarou Ohkoshi
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Seinen
Some parts where slightly questionable, but I ended up really liking it in the end. Its a nice story