Stripclub, the fake boyfriend, mafia, shooting, healing, debts, falling in love, leaving the country, the reunion, whatever it is that happened with his friend, they finally do it and now the gangbang revelation @_@ wut. And it's been 4 chaps and the story hasn't caught up with the scene in the beginning yet, has it? We're in still in for a riiiiide lol

Surprised some want to get rid of Alek quickly after what happened in these latest chapters, because they actually made me want to know more about him lol. I'm glad we finally get to see Hen trying to seriously understand Alek and the latter starting to see Hen as more than just an object of lust... And he's clearly got a side to him we don't know yet. Yeah, he's not that good joke material and Ivan is bae, but author seems to be trying to have a more serious plot develop along with the goofy stuff, and he seems to be key to that (with him knowing the truth of Ivan's past and all), so I want to see how they'll try to make us like him better.
I mean, if that's how the plot goes. Idk, manwhas are so unpredictable. But I like this one a lot so I want it to have a solid plot to hang on to so it can last foreversorry I mean, a long long time, at least ヾ(☆▽☆)

I just picked a random chapter to remember some of the story and saw the one where zzXi is cleaning the gym and fucking draws himself and JianYi under the umbrella, with water on the wall, AAAAAHHHHH so fucking cute, my heart, I can't.

wow thats one of the best chapters to land on. definitely within my top five. zhan zheng xi is so whipped and in love.. I remember he actually drew them under whats commonly known as ai ai gasa which is known throughout east asia to be a symbol of romance - implication that two people sharing an umbrella together under the rain are in love and will be together forever, literally means “love-love umbrella”.
Man, poor baby Sunjae feels like that's his punishment for wanting Dohwi so much so he's starting to accept it all.
We need Dohwi to man up and challenge the ghost, like, he goes get some spiritual training with his dad to get stronger and then beat him or something