Ackkkk theyre so cute. I hated anita from the start but mannnn. I cant really categorize her as a well-written villain but the manhwa made her likable towards the end hahahha
Omg the girls grew up so pretty. Even megara the b looks pretty hahahah though still nerys supremacy
Hmm not the biggest fan. This leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth idk
Damn. Props to him for being persistent/consistent. But gurl im over you. Make up ur mind. Youre marveling in his advancements but giving nothing. You practically dumped him so stop acting all shy and shit. We'll take him if you cant be sure with how you feel.
I feel bad for mc :(( i get that unexplainable guilt about having selfish thoughts. Like thinking youre a bad person for thinking negative thoughts. But that doesnt really make you a bad person, thats just being human. Whats important is not to act on the negative thoughts. His inner monologues always paints himself as some scum but his actions are far from it. I think with maturity we somehow get more secure and confident which helps us through these self-doubts. It took me so long to not beat myself up for envying the life of the people around me, to the point that i deleted socmeds because i made myself believe that i SHOULDNT be feeling envious, and that im evil for wanting other people's lives.
I was not ready for that full body panel. Forget the 2 dumb-dumbs outside and go red wine supernova in there hahahha
Omg i will never have patience for overgrown spoilt brats. I cannot for the life of me imagine myself dealing with these types of POSs
Gone are the days that i find stories like thesr endearing. I hate red flag MLs now hahahah. No matter how much character development they go through.
Ok hi. I wanna know if its just me. But i feel icky reading this manhwa. Cant explain it hahaha. Like i still read it but i dont feel right everytime i do. Like im not disgusted? Theres just something about this that i cant explain.
Was this dropped? The last update was in the raws was 2 years ago
My middle finger is in the air, and im SOOOOOOOOOOOO dry down there. You're on my list for handsome MLs that does NOT do it for me. Pakyu pakyu.
BY FAR THE BEST MANHWA I'VE READ RECENTLY. I wish we come back to these types of tropes. I always feel happy reading this. I love this little family. For the past some 5 years, trashy plots with trashy tops and helpless bottoms have been the norm so this is such a breath of fresh air!!