nekonekoniko July 12, 2021 10:28 pm

the fact that this exists makes me lose hope in the world. "its a dj its not canon" "there are worse out there like lolicon/shouta/r*pe/incest/etc" so? does that makes this any better? stop using bad things to justify ANOTHER bad thing. all of them are gross and terrible. im so disappointed in this community. especially when im lgbt and loves anime/manga. i hope you know ure a disgusting person if u think this pedophilia trash is any way acceptable or even 'cute/ shippable', please go get therapy or some form of help, this is not normal.

    hentaimilf July 12, 2021 10:36 pm

    preach !! tell those stupid people …

    nekonekoniko July 12, 2021 10:39 pm
    preach !! tell those stupid people … hentaimilf

    gosh i was so ready to be attacked by pedos, thank u! im glad that there are actually some people with good morals and common sense here. muah xoxo

    nekonekoniko July 12, 2021 10:59 pm

    add on: "yuuji isnt real" so what if they arent real? its just a fantasy since its illegal irl? its strange that the only thing stopping u from not defending cp/pedophilia is THE LAW.

    pedophilia isnt just an age thing i know that. but gojo is literally a teacher and yuji is a student. hes using his authority to groom a minor, theres nothing "non pedo" about that. and u can bring up "what if a 19yrold, dates a 17yrold, so is that pedophilia" u forgot another thing, age gaps. yuuji is 15 and gojo is 28. thats a 13 year age gap. it literally makes it so much worse.

    lastly, the fiction isnt reality bs. if u have actual morals, such as not being a pedophile/not being into cp and think its disgusting in all forms of media then how could any person like that excuse THIS. and the reason why people are into this (2D cp) is because irl cp is illegal. this is just another way to fuel their pedo addiction. i hope u understand where im coming from and the severity of this. xoxo

    hentaimilf July 12, 2021 11:01 pm
    add on: "yuuji isnt real" so what if they arent real? its just a fantasy since its illegal irl? its strange that the only thing stopping u from not defending cp/pedophilia is THE LAW.pedophilia isnt just an age... nekonekoniko

    ily for this couldn’t have worded if better

    nekonekoniko July 12, 2021 11:07 pm
    ily for this couldn’t have worded if better hentaimilf

    muah!!! ilyt!!! hope ure dealing with the "hate" well. i really cannot comprehend how people could defend this. stay safe bestie <3

    nekonekoniko July 12, 2021 11:43 pm

    add on: "ure supporting a website who excuses pedo/incest/bad things etc." im not excusing mangago, but did u forget that this an ILLEGAL website? ofc they dont give a fuck about pedophilia and want to milk the money out of pedos/mlm fetishizers/etc. but where else should i read my mangas then? im not privileged enough to buy lots and lots of manga. the fact that i have MORALS to at least know that this shit (2d cp) is disgusting is much better than anyone else here who are defending this pedo doujin.

    "I don't defend fiction because is not illegal I defend fiction and ONLY fiction because it's not real." gosh... u allow pedos to fuel their addiction of cp JUST bc its 'legal'?? INSTEAD of them getting the help they need???? any form of cp IS cp and is just as bad. its the fetishization of children and god knows what those people who read these would do if the law wasnt implemented. and dont forget that this is public media, many MINORS in the anime community could be influenced by this and might get themselves groomed bc they think this is alright. :/

    note: seeing the dislikes on this makes it so entertaining (unfortunately). these pedos are in denial and clearly didnt read a word. lets just hope they get the help they really need. i have way too much free time LMAO but arguing with pedos are so interesting and honestly amusing, well bc clearly im in the right. imagine telling ur friends u won an "argument" defending 2d cp PLSSSSSS

    Meeru July 13, 2021 3:24 pm

    Finally!! A sensible person!! I’m so glad to find your comment.

    onie July 14, 2021 9:56 pm

    the fact that many people who supports pedo replied to your comment, trying to defend themselves is just funny to me.

nekonekoniko July 12, 2021 10:09 pm

GOSH THIS IS SO GOOD poor mc tho, it got alittle confusing but overall the art, story and characters were good. i rlly loved maeri, joe and yuki tho rlly wish they lived but the ending wouldnt be as crazy as the title says. really wish the ending wasnt so predictable tho but damn its great.

nekonekoniko June 20, 2021 5:45 pm

gosh everything from hiroya oku is SOOO GOODD. i just wish this didnt have such a age gap. but ig it makes the manga more interesting?? but still. well at least their relationship is somewhat healthy. also i lvoe all the references to his other works!! :D

nekonekoniko April 21, 2021 2:00 am

WHOLESOME (unlike alot of yaois ive read) T﹏T

    Tëndøū April 21, 2021 10:13 am

    Example the painter of night isn't it?

    nekonekoniko April 22, 2021 11:12 am

    yuppp and more like bjalex :')

    Tëndøū April 22, 2021 2:24 pm
    yuppp and more like bjalex :') nekonekoniko

    I said Painter if Night but too that 3 popular Manga(Painter if Night,BjAlex and Killing Stalking) i thing i just read is BjAlex but it's not like that two atleast they have a Character development

nekonekoniko April 19, 2021 4:58 am

CUTEEE ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

nekonekoniko April 16, 2021 10:01 pm

ugh charim is so musty.... he definitely smells like old wet socks

nekonekoniko April 13, 2021 7:12 pm

main story was SO MESSY AND GROSS but this is way better. i just hope that the other side story will be done well too (minho gets justice, wookyung goes to jail + backstory) or else everything related to sadistic beauty is just one be chunks of bad plot.

nekonekoniko April 13, 2021 6:52 pm

this had so much potential lol... i only liked haesol and the other side characters but god damn. the plot could be so easily done well but they just had to fuck it up... i feel so bad for minho, ofc hes an hypocrite but he did not deserve any of that shit. maybe being dominated and humiliated during sex sure. but r*pe? the emotional torture?? the ending...??? wtf?? and dona... that fucking bitch??? she literally didnt take minho being raped seriously, she didnt have any sympathy for minho but still wanted to use/had feelings for him. and then wookyung... god wtf.. i wish they cld have talked abt his backstory and showed why he was so yandere + JAIL. dona and wookyung r literally criminals and the auther still tried to play it off as "kinky" and" hot". then omg its all so weird. i started this years ago bc i rlly liked femdom porn but holy shit... i cant even start to comprehend this messed up plot....

    Peachyentie April 14, 2021 5:38 am

    Yes and started this too but then i seen it just going down hill so i just waited to see the last chapter and im just disappointed they all should be in JAIL and why does she get her happy ending and act like oh i had feeling for him this and that but did she even TRY to understand him or even try to help him get better No instead she raped him multiply times and only made it worse but also had unprotected sex with his assaulter and acts like nothing happened and then her we go with this puppy dog boy like wtf if you really cared for her you would help her change and not rape someone and go with it thats how you know hes just a child and only wants to please her like I actually hoped he would move on but nope here he is doing the same shit and he wont change the only hope i have is the girl that liked dona cause she was the only one who grew up and is moving on

    nekonekoniko April 19, 2021 2:49 am
    Yes and started this too but then i seen it just going down hill so i just waited to see the last chapter and im just disappointed they all should be in JAIL and why does she get her happy ending and act like o... Peachyentie

    YUP. im honestly in shock.... its so shitty

nekonekoniko November 27, 2020 1:45 am

like. what the fuck

nekonekoniko October 29, 2020 9:53 am

i dont ship them sexually bc they r minors but this is actually so well done im scared Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

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