People be like: no hello? No romance? They just banged and that was it!?
Its historical and sadly...pretty accurate. Even with females concubines they weren't there for romance. They were their to please sexual desires of those whom ordered them.
There often was no hello or romance it was lay down and please me.
And maybe I will call upon you again. Many men and woman figures in a position of power had many different concubines.
So they had a different person whenever they demanded it and if they had a favorite they would call them again.
And not even with just concubines. Even in marriage it could be like that!
An arranged marriage the first time a couple may meet was on the wedding night. And the only time they interact is with sex.
So there wasnt always romance and a proper hello.
Thankfully its not like that as much anymore. But history is history.
Kouichi: I can't have kids!
Kiaus: ah but we have magic!
Kouichi: Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)