I'm kinda sad about it but not bc I dislike Erez, I just think it'd be more interesting if despite everything she'd end up with Joseph (btw who is the ml in the novel then? Or are there none?)
I'm kinda sad about it but not bc I dislike Erez, I just think it'd be more interesting if despite everything she'd end up with Joseph (btw who is the ml in the novel then? Or are there none?) Mirai
tbh it’s more intofor Erez cuz he’s a demon n brings more to the plot. There was no ml in the novel
I love this manga soooo much but people were way too rude to her and his friends in the beginning were so annoying. The name-calling was not needed. Also, the girls that wouldn’t leave him alone even when they knew he has a gf is crazy to me
He had an ex in middle school but He didn’t date any of the girls that were obsessing over him j_mango
Why did he break up with the ex? Was he in a physical relationship with her ? (Sry for all the weird questions but I need to know before I start reading xD)
Why did he break up with the ex? Was he in a physical relationship with her ? (Sry for all the weird questions but I need to know before I start reading xD) Sora
His ex broke up with him cuz she thought she was too dependent on him. Like he always saved her when she was bullied but when he was late one day she was bullied and such if i remember it correctly she thought she was a burden to him so. Now she has a bf and they are good friends (both fl and ml)
His ex broke up with him cuz she thought she was too dependent on him. Like he always saved her when she was bullied but when he was late one day she was bullied and such if i remember it correctly she thought ... eth
wowww the story has sm potential n the ml is such a green flag