ll SFN ll created a topic of Surge Looking For You

I’m the 1270 dislike lol

ll SFN ll like the answer
I really love baking! I started learning during the pandemic because I saw all these vlogs of people cooking bread and cookies. It’s like…until I saw those videos, I viewed baking as something unattainable, but now it’s one of my favorite pastimes. Gonna try to practice croissants and puff pastry next!
ll SFN ll created a topic of My Daddy Hides His Power

Is this a new work from the artist who made The Lady I Served Became a Young Master?

Is it just me or is has eyes gotten bigger it takes up like 50% of her face

ll SFN ll asked a question

They are a group of 4 high school friends, 2 boys (Mc and buzz cut dude) and 2 girls. And they start fucking each other, the mc is part of the group but is attracted to the girl with black straight hair and bangs. And the ending is when the Mc realized that the black. And the cover picture was the black haired girl with bang

ll SFN ll asked a question

They are a group of 4 high school friends, 2 boys (Mc and buzz cut dude) and 2 girls. And they start fucking each other, the mc is part of the group but is attracted to the girl with black straight hair and bangs. And the ending is when the Mc realized that the black. And the cover picture was the black haired girl with bangs

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ll SFN ll followed a goer
17 03,2024
ll SFN ll created a topic of Doctor Elise

I hope the official translation of the side stories get released soon, I keep seeing spoilers on social media

Does anyone know what the alternative name for this manhwa, it looks familiar