Dummy thicc created a topic of Night Trap

i dont think the people disliking this manga for brushing off attempted rape are the same people reading and liking jinx be fr now also its totally fair since even without reading those you can easily see that those series seem to be much heavier (theres often trigger warnings in the top comments or the story itself too) whereas in this there really wasnt any warning so no wonder ppl are kind of madalso just brushing it off makes the story end abruptly and seem unfinished justifying it when when people are upset for not even getting a heads-up just makes you look insensitive

isnt spying on ur rival company in hopes of finding their secrets and giving them a new bestseller recipe kinda contradictory…i think im getting too invested in the business side of the manga…like go off black hair chef guy idk ur name go get ur ass blown bussy ate by the succu(incu?)bus or whatever but ur restaurants going out of business atp!!!!

to be honest the story was just ok i couldnt give less fucks about the main couple but i had to give it 5/5 just for aniki his sex appeal is crazy wtf hes so hot